06/19 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Aaliyah
at 2017-06-19T23:17
at 2017-06-19T23:17
Table of Contents
If you know anything about antiques, you probably know that a handwritten
letter by someone from the long-ago past who was very famous - Abraham
Lincoln, for example - can be quite valuable. In fact, Moonchild, the more
personal and intimate the letter, the more value it will probably have. You
have a connection to someone - a friend or a romantic partner - that is
long and deep. You may not recognize how valuable this is to you personally.
Pay extra attention to this relationship right now, because it needs
nurturing, and most importantly, it is priceless in its value to you.
如果你了解任何有關古董的事情,那你或許知道一位很久以前,非常有名的人物 -例如
亞伯拉罕 林肯的手稿信件 -是可以相當值錢的。事實上,月之子,愈是私人及親蜜的
的信件,是會比原本來的更有價值。你跟某號人物有段連絡 -可能是位朋友或是浪漫的
伴侶- 這段連繫是即長且深。你也許無法得知這段連繫對你個人來說如何有價值。那就
letter by someone from the long-ago past who was very famous - Abraham
Lincoln, for example - can be quite valuable. In fact, Moonchild, the more
personal and intimate the letter, the more value it will probably have. You
have a connection to someone - a friend or a romantic partner - that is
long and deep. You may not recognize how valuable this is to you personally.
Pay extra attention to this relationship right now, because it needs
nurturing, and most importantly, it is priceless in its value to you.
如果你了解任何有關古董的事情,那你或許知道一位很久以前,非常有名的人物 -例如
亞伯拉罕 林肯的手稿信件 -是可以相當值錢的。事實上,月之子,愈是私人及親蜜的
的信件,是會比原本來的更有價值。你跟某號人物有段連絡 -可能是位朋友或是浪漫的
伴侶- 這段連繫是即長且深。你也許無法得知這段連繫對你個人來說如何有價值。那就
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at 2017-06-23T20:47
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