06/20 The Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2016-06-19T23:07

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Pisces horoscope for Jun 20 2016

You may want to express your independence with a new and exciting venture,
Pisces, but at the same time, you recognize that you would probably feel
better if you had support from someone you love. It's hard to go out into the
big, scary world without someone to hold your hand, but you certainly have
the talent, the mind, and the determination to do so. It is time for you to
be more independent, and you will gain a great sense of pride and
accomplishment if you try.


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Tags: 雙魚

All Comments

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2016-06-23T18:02
好!! 有鼓勵到剛畢業的魚~~
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2016-06-26T18:10
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2016-06-30T19:12
換了新工作環境覺得過的好不快樂 希望會好轉
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2016-07-03T20:38
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2016-07-08T16:00
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2016-07-13T08:41
加油 來找新工作
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2016-07-13T14:48
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2016-07-17T13:02


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2016-06-18T09:55
魚男是我10年前交往兩年的初戀, 因為中間有過遠距離所以後來協議分手。 一直到我們大學畢業他回國,又開始搭上線。 因為雙方父母的關係,我們一直斷斷續續的在連繫著... 老實說, 這兩、三年好幾次他想挽回我、又或是我開口說再來一次吧, 彼此心中都有所顧忌所以都沒有再往前一步......... 去年他生日前,家 ...

科技紫微網 6/18雙魚座運勢

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2016-06-18T09:36
出處:科技紫微網 今日短評:精神面貌很好,易有收穫。 幸運數字:7 開運方位:西北方向 幸運星座:牡羊座 幸運顏色:薔薇粉 今日吉時:pm:11:00--12:00 整體運勢★★★★★:女性朋友別把自己打扮得花俏,不但不能為愛情加分,還會讓自身 的形象打折扣哦!只要穿上的服飾突出個性與品味,異性關注你的 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2016-06-17T23:19
晚安, 如標題,這是第一個問題! 然後,第二個問題是,被這位半瓶半魚的女生問說:「你是不是gay?因為你走路的樣子」… 這… 我不是gay,不過這個問題讓我不懂他想知道我什麼事,哈哈哈,覺得囧~~~ 後來跟他解釋了我是以前車禍受傷造成的,他才有一種懂了的感覺。 覺得好天真的感覺,哈哈哈。 ...

06/18 The Daily Horoscope

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2016-06-17T22:36
Pisces horoscope for Jun 18 2016 You may be feeling a little bit disoriented in a relationship that is usually quite comfortable and predictable. That may ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2016-06-17T15:15
我是瓶女跟魚男分手了 我們到今年6月27日就滿四年 還記得一開始交往時 你很老套的問我說 要不要當你的X太太 我害羞得點點頭 你也曾經說只要我開口 你做得到的都會給我 你真的也做到了... 但是 很可惜的我們無法一起度過第四年 還記得兩年前 有一次你騙我說你跟同事出國 過了好久好久才發現 ...