06/24 魔 * 英文版綜論 * 羯 - 財運

By Rebecca
at 2012-06-24T22:11
at 2012-06-24T22:11
Table of Contents
(短網址:http://tinyurl.com/73ncygx )
Quickie 一秒鐘運勢
Exercise your power!
Visualize yourself with the resources and money you crave.
Overview 整體運勢
Work does not go well for you today -- the energy is just scattered
too much for you to get much done. If you can put off any tenuous
dealings or tense negotiations until tomorrow, so much the better.
Love 愛情運
Have you been waiting for the right time to approach that one hottie
or to make that change in your life? The situation won't get any better,
so go for it now -- you can't go wrong!
Career 工作運
Every once in awhile, a switch flips and you radiate energy and positive
goodwill like the heart-motivated person you are. Your coworkers will be
drawn to the pure energy and smiling goodness of your nature next week.
(短網址:http://tinyurl.com/8664p76 )
Finance 財運
You want to be nowhere but home today — after all, home is where
the heart is. If you're forced to be out and about dealing with silly
things like work or money, though, then dwell on that other corny,
greeting card phrase — absence makes the heart grow fonder.
阿紫今天翻得超級糟糕T^T 對不起大家<(_ _)>
(短網址:http://tinyurl.com/73ncygx )
Quickie 一秒鐘運勢
Exercise your power!
Visualize yourself with the resources and money you crave.
Overview 整體運勢
Work does not go well for you today -- the energy is just scattered
too much for you to get much done. If you can put off any tenuous
dealings or tense negotiations until tomorrow, so much the better.
Love 愛情運
Have you been waiting for the right time to approach that one hottie
or to make that change in your life? The situation won't get any better,
so go for it now -- you can't go wrong!
Career 工作運
Every once in awhile, a switch flips and you radiate energy and positive
goodwill like the heart-motivated person you are. Your coworkers will be
drawn to the pure energy and smiling goodness of your nature next week.
(短網址:http://tinyurl.com/8664p76 )
Finance 財運
You want to be nowhere but home today — after all, home is where
the heart is. If you're forced to be out and about dealing with silly
things like work or money, though, then dwell on that other corny,
greeting card phrase — absence makes the heart grow fonder.
阿紫今天翻得超級糟糕T^T 對不起大家<(_ _)>
All Comments

By Emily
at 2012-06-29T22:11
at 2012-06-29T22:11

By Una
at 2012-07-01T02:24
at 2012-07-01T02:24

By Ursula
at 2012-07-03T11:17
at 2012-07-03T11:17

By Megan
at 2012-07-05T17:51
at 2012-07-05T17:51

By Connor
at 2012-07-06T05:45
at 2012-07-06T05:45

By Joe
at 2012-07-09T10:36
at 2012-07-09T10:36

By Faithe
at 2012-07-11T03:27
at 2012-07-11T03:27

By Hamiltion
at 2012-07-14T03:50
at 2012-07-14T03:50

By Necoo
at 2012-07-18T00:39
at 2012-07-18T00:39

By Valerie
at 2012-07-19T10:00
at 2012-07-19T10:00

By John
at 2012-07-20T21:24
at 2012-07-20T21:24

By Kama
at 2012-07-25T21:17
at 2012-07-25T21:17

By Jack
at 2012-07-28T09:03
at 2012-07-28T09:03

By Todd Johnson
at 2012-07-29T00:38
at 2012-07-29T00:38

By Necoo
at 2012-08-01T22:12
at 2012-08-01T22:12

By Frederic
at 2012-08-03T19:39
at 2012-08-03T19:39

By Oscar
at 2012-08-07T16:31
at 2012-08-07T16:31

By Olga
at 2012-08-12T01:29
at 2012-08-12T01:29

By Dinah
at 2012-08-13T14:33
at 2012-08-13T14:33
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