07/01~13/01/2019 Weekly Horoscope - 天蠍

William avatar
By William
at 2019-01-07T04:40

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Information you receive or uncover this week will enable you to make great
progress with an important endeavor. How much time and effort you put into
this is up to you, of course. But if this is a high priority for you,
Scorpio, you may even be able to complete your mission before the week is
over. This might be a wise idea as other opportunities are coming soon,
and completing this one will enable you to take on something else that
interests you. Try to keep your social calendar at least somewhat open
this week, as you may receive an invitation that you will not want to turn
down. This could be from a potential love interest if you are single, or
it could be a romantic idea that comes from your significant other. A
family matter could arise around mid-week, and you may be instrumented in
trying to get all involved parties on the same page. This may not be
something that appeals to you because it involves personal expression that
you are not comfortable with, but you can do a great job of creating
harmony if you try. At the end of the week, a change you have been
considering may become possible. However, you may want to leave well
enough alone and continue to proceed along the same path. If things are
progressing well, then there is no need to fix what is not broken.



Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2019-01-12T01:07
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2019-01-15T20:35
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2019-01-18T02:13


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2019-01-07T00:47
之前去看了校內舉辦的球賽 回來後開始看他們球隊的粉專還有球員IG 目前嘗試跟一個學弟認識中 上一週時 傳IG訊息 頂多回1~2次 (他IG粉絲數目前約1100多) 結果這兩天他在外地打球賽 傳IG訊息跟他聊 一天也會回個7~8次了 讓我覺得心中頓生希望 XDDD 而且以前知道的天蠍特質 就是高 ...

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Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2019-01-06T18:43
2019/01/07(一)雨天★★☆☆☆ 今天的你有一點固執,給人難以溝通的感覺,建議放下自我的邏輯或想像,讓自己放開一些 。 感情方面對方不認同你的金錢觀念、想法,不妨趁機好好討論。 幸運色是黑色。 - ...

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Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2019-01-06T15:14
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