07/01 Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

By Oliver
at 2019-06-30T20:58
at 2019-06-30T20:58
Table of Contents
People collect many things. Some collect bone china figurines. Some
collect stamps or rare coins. Some collect books, like first or rare
edition novels. You have a penchant for collecting guilt at times, Pisces,
as though it were something to curate. Although this may be an
exaggeration, it is meant to illustrate a point. Sometimes - perhaps
right now - you can be very hard on yourself. Your enormous sense of
responsibility causes you to take the blame when things go wrong - even
when it isn't your fault at all. Work on being more nurturing to yourself
rather than judgmental.
的地方。有的時候 -也許是現在- 你可能對自己相當苛責。當有事情出錯時,你有
強烈的責任感讓你覺得需要受到責難- 甚至這一點都不是你的錯。多用養份充實自
Copyright ?? Daily Horoscope. Download it now 〞 http://comitic.com/dh
collect stamps or rare coins. Some collect books, like first or rare
edition novels. You have a penchant for collecting guilt at times, Pisces,
as though it were something to curate. Although this may be an
exaggeration, it is meant to illustrate a point. Sometimes - perhaps
right now - you can be very hard on yourself. Your enormous sense of
responsibility causes you to take the blame when things go wrong - even
when it isn't your fault at all. Work on being more nurturing to yourself
rather than judgmental.
的地方。有的時候 -也許是現在- 你可能對自己相當苛責。當有事情出錯時,你有
強烈的責任感讓你覺得需要受到責難- 甚至這一點都不是你的錯。多用養份充實自
Copyright ?? Daily Horoscope. Download it now 〞 http://comitic.com/dh
All Comments

By Puput
at 2019-07-01T17:52
at 2019-07-01T17:52

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at 2019-07-02T12:30
at 2019-07-02T12:30

By David
at 2019-07-05T23:37
at 2019-07-05T23:37

By Jacky
at 2019-07-10T15:31
at 2019-07-10T15:31

By Queena
at 2019-07-12T15:44
at 2019-07-12T15:44
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