07/09/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

James avatar
By James
at 2020-09-07T20:06

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Fences make good neighbors. Although that may not seem like the
friendliest advice, Scorpio, it might be quite helpful for you today. You
may find yourself among people who are a bit pushy or a tad nosy. You may
assume you can just retain your privacy by keeping to yourself, but it
might not be that easy if someone is an aggressive busybody. If you aren't
in the mood to share today, it might be best to keep your distance. Take a
day for yourself and do what makes you feel good. Socializing might be
better tomorrow.



Tags: 天蠍

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Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2020-09-09T21:05


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2020-09-07T01:09
本週是處女座第二週,行動的火星開始逆行牡羊座。逆向行駛的行星是宇宙給我們一小段 時間的「修正期」,這意味著我們行動前、以及脾氣暴衝前要多思考,預防糾紛與突發事 件。火星也是我們的「出發站」,逆行期間不要衝動做決定,事情也有可能慢下來,考驗 你的耐心是否足夠應付接下來的忙碌行程! 13號,從四月開始逆行至今五 ...

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Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2020-09-06T21:30
If you are in a conversation with someone who may have some issues parsing social cues, they might not pick up your cue if you tell them you really have to ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2020-09-06T00:42
我是巨蟹女, 剛跟蠍男進入一段???的關係 剛開始曖昧時,蠍都會很主動報備跟我說他在做什麼 每次見面時還是會很開心, 他會主動牽我手,摟摟抱抱 約會第三次我有問他說我們現在是什麼關係 是男女朋友嗎? 他說順其自然吧 我們住的頗近 見面頻率大概兩天一次 後來發現他漸漸地少了訊息和分享他在做什麼了 有時候一天 ...

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Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2020-09-05T12:00
2020 / 09 / 05 - 06 週末 晴 週末很多事情說做就做,說走就走,反而讓你的顧慮瞬間煙消雲散,非常爽快。 感情方面有心想事成的機會,告白有機會成功,或是能得到好的回應,與對方溝通的效果 也會如你所願。 幸運色是黑色。 - 九月開始連六天運勢都很好耶~ 另外推最後一句 溝通真的很重要 ...

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Zenobia avatar
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