07/14 羊兒運勢綜論 - 牡羊

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2016-07-13T17:59

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There are a few new people on the scene who would be a great addition to your
social life, so why not put something together so everyone can get to know
each other better? It's a great time for a party, and chances are very good
that new connections will be solidified. People you know all share certain
charms and characteristics, which makes adding new folks into the mix pretty
easy -- and a whole lot of fun. There could even be a romantic interest
brewing, so give it a push.

因為你認識的人們都氣味相投,這樣大家相互認識時很快就能混熟 - 而且會很有趣!



You may spend much of your day trying to sort out financial matters for
yourself, your job, or perhaps for a friend or relative, Aries. A lot of phone
calls, and a lot of research, perhaps on the Internet, could be necessary in
order to accomplish this. Whatever you decide to do, you'll attack it with
determination and feel a great deal of satisfaction when you're done. Go to it!



克萊兒拖稿 XDDDDD


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你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。


Tags: 牡羊

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Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2016-07-15T08:08
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2016-07-19T03:06

7/13 The Daily Horoscope

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2016-07-13T11:11
Wednesday Jul 13 You may have a deep yearning to admit to something you did wrong, or to apologize to someone for something that happened in the past. Whi ...


James avatar
By James
at 2016-07-13T10:20
羊羊有時很陽光 走出洞穴展現熱情的ㄧ面 有人不小心傷了羊羊 羊很快又會躲進黑暗的洞裡 睜大眼望著外面的世界,有點害怕,有點膽怯 在洞穴裡自己舔著傷口,養傷ㄧ陣子後 才有辦法小心翼翼的探出頭走到外面的世界 有時羊羊會忘記以前的傷 有時候會寧願相信對方不是故意的 再次走出去後,又再次受傷 再次 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2016-07-12T18:44
2016 / 07 / 13 ( 三 ) 牡羊座今日運勢 多雲時晴 今天有很多人情事故的債要還,或是有人喜歡跟你攀親帶故,讓你感到不耐煩且覺得很難 應付。 感情方面 大家對你的戀情都很關心,並有很多意見,建議讓事情冷卻一下,別再讓他 們多管閒事。 幸運色是黑色。 ------ ...

07/13 羊兒運勢綜論

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2016-07-12T17:34
http://goo.gl/aYoQQI Astrology.com When you see something that confuses you today, you need to understand that itand#39;s a clear sign that youand#39;re ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2016-07-12T13:21
事情是這樣的 我雙魚男 我跟我的羊女走在一起快三年 中間分分合合因為羊女算是女神等級 所以他家裡的很管蠻嚴 我們被抓到在一起被強制分手過 但羊女總是不捨偷偷複合我也答應 可是她總是被抓被抓到有次他家人鬧到學校來 我家人本來是不管的到最後也漸漸討厭他 在兩個月前我們分手了我不斷的徵求家人同意 而當我成功的時候我 ...