07/14英文版綜論 - 牡羊

By Megan
at 2015-07-14T00:14
at 2015-07-14T00:14
Table of Contents
Commerce is not an ideal thing to be involved in right now, especially if you
are interested in selling some of your possessions. Your personal goods will
not move as quickly as you think, so you might want to either consider giving
them away to charity or holding onto them for a little bit longer. On the
other side of the equation, as a buyer you are vulnerable to misleading
statements. Do not assume that something is included in the purchase price
unless you see it in writing!
You are allowing younger faces to take control of you when you should be
taking control of the situation. A new work offer is not all it seems, so
find out the details before you sign.
Your sharp intuition and imagination could bring enlightening spiritual
insights, Aries. Metaphysical or religious books could be especially
appealing. Relations with close friends and family should benefit from this
enhanced sensitivity. You may be able to understand them better because of
it. This could be inspiring. It might move you to write or start some other
creative activity.
更了解他們,真是令人振奮啊~ 這也可能引導你去寫作,或開始一些創意性的活動。
可是我只是想賣掉二手書啊…( ・д・)
PS. 咩英文真的不是我偷懶,是這兩天運勢用語變簡單了XD
Commerce is not an ideal thing to be involved in right now, especially if you
are interested in selling some of your possessions. Your personal goods will
not move as quickly as you think, so you might want to either consider giving
them away to charity or holding onto them for a little bit longer. On the
other side of the equation, as a buyer you are vulnerable to misleading
statements. Do not assume that something is included in the purchase price
unless you see it in writing!
You are allowing younger faces to take control of you when you should be
taking control of the situation. A new work offer is not all it seems, so
find out the details before you sign.
Your sharp intuition and imagination could bring enlightening spiritual
insights, Aries. Metaphysical or religious books could be especially
appealing. Relations with close friends and family should benefit from this
enhanced sensitivity. You may be able to understand them better because of
it. This could be inspiring. It might move you to write or start some other
creative activity.
更了解他們,真是令人振奮啊~ 這也可能引導你去寫作,或開始一些創意性的活動。
可是我只是想賣掉二手書啊…( ・д・)
PS. 咩英文真的不是我偷懶,是這兩天運勢用語變簡單了XD
All Comments

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