07/17 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2016-07-17T00:20

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When you spoke, someone listened. When you made an important point, that
person nodded. This person may have also asked the right questions and come
up with the right responses when you asked questions. You still can't assume
that this person is on your side, or even understands your position. The only
way to really confirm that this person is on your team is to ask that simple
question directly. Otherwise, Moonchild, you may just find that you are being
patronized by someone who does not want to deal with the real issue.
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Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2016-07-19T01:28
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2016-07-20T01:05


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2016-07-16T18:10
我是雙子女 目前的關係 :是我單方面喜歡他(暗戀) 我跟他是上司與下屬的關係,認識真的沒有很久,突然對他有著好感。連身邊的朋友都覺 得太快了!可是喜歡真的就是一種突如其來的感覺。 後來進公司之後有稍微觀察他的個性,有時候真的就是標準的中央空調.. 雖然表現的很成熟穩重,但有時候行為真的很像小孩子。 但我還是 ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2016-07-16T03:24
祝我生日快樂YA 25歲了 感覺是一個關卡 今年的我考試上了我一直以來都沒想過的研究所 未來兩年我要更加努力進修 我覺得現在社會太險惡黑暗惹QQ 一點都沒有年輕人的空間 無法呼吸 無法生存阿! 今年很開心 有10位朋友陪我過生日 喝酒聊天~好不快樂~~ 真的很感動畢業後還有聯絡及經常出來聊天吃飯打屁嘴砲的夥伴 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2016-07-16T01:07
一直以來生日在暑假 不是提早半個月慶生就是往後延至時間都行的日子一起吃飯 而今年21歲生日 雖然整個暑假都跟朋友留學校實習 可是可以說因禍得福嗎(?哈哈哈 就在剛剛慶生了~~ 第一次那麼有生日的感覺 哭 716生日整天當然回家陪爸媽囉 剛剛一個想法閃過 把fb生日隱藏 年紀愈增愈喜歡朋友直接用私訊的 ...

07/16 Daily Horoscope

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2016-07-16T00:29
You may have a lot to do today, Cancer, but that doesnand#39;t have to stop you from dreaming. In fact, while you go through the motions of fulfilling your ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2016-07-16T00:10
20歲生日唷 安然無恙的度過了大家說很衰的19歲!感謝老天 同天生日的蟹 生日快樂andgt;andlt; 也祝自己生日快樂 - ...