07/18 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Zenobia
at 2017-07-18T00:48
at 2017-07-18T00:48
Table of Contents
You may not be devoting the time to an important venture that it rightly
deserves. You do put your heart and soul into it, and you squeeze in moments
when you can, but you have not made it the priority that it should be. You
often wonder why - with all of your passion and effort - you have not yet
scored the big win with this endeavor. It may be because of where you have
placed this venture on your list of priorities. Does it not have the
potential to make a big dream come true? It does! So, move it up the list
today, and give it the time it needs to succeed.
中。你會對於原因而感到好奇 -透過你所有的熱情及努力- 你的盡心盡力卻沒有獲得
deserves. You do put your heart and soul into it, and you squeeze in moments
when you can, but you have not made it the priority that it should be. You
often wonder why - with all of your passion and effort - you have not yet
scored the big win with this endeavor. It may be because of where you have
placed this venture on your list of priorities. Does it not have the
potential to make a big dream come true? It does! So, move it up the list
today, and give it the time it needs to succeed.
中。你會對於原因而感到好奇 -透過你所有的熱情及努力- 你的盡心盡力卻沒有獲得
All Comments

By Madame
at 2017-07-21T23:58
at 2017-07-21T23:58

By Elma
at 2017-07-22T03:31
at 2017-07-22T03:31

By Freda
at 2017-07-22T12:08
at 2017-07-22T12:08

By Edith
at 2017-07-25T04:33
at 2017-07-25T04:33

By Yedda
at 2017-07-28T05:00
at 2017-07-28T05:00

By Ula
at 2017-07-31T02:42
at 2017-07-31T02:42
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