07/22英文版綜論 - 牡羊

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2015-07-21T19:23

Table of Contents


Although the weather outside may be frightful, getting some physical exercise
would be oh-so-delightful! There is nothing better than huffing and puffing
to put a smile on your face. It's time to do whatever it takes to get your
heart pumping -- dancing, jogging, walking, or biking! Grab a friend or two,
and you're sure to have much more fun. Tag football or a pick-up game of
basketball will help you feel like a winner. Make that a healthy winner!



Today's line up could well see you falling out with faces you usually get on
really well with. Try to acknowledge that you may be feeling more sensitive
than usual and give yourself time to think with clarity.



As you follow the path toward acquiring the latest, greatest, fastest, and
best, you may have left behind some fundamental values, Aries. Don't lose
sight of the principles that make up your foundation. You could be shaken
today when your ego goes on trial for pig-headed behavior. Stay in check and
be conscious of the way you project yourself to others


PS.關於本我自我超我,有興趣可見wiki https://goo.gl/g7WyS


【今日咩英文 @・ω・@】

Fall out :軍隊解散、物品掉落,爭執等意思

Tags: 牡羊

All Comments

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2015-07-26T04:55
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2015-07-30T17:06

唐立淇每日星座運勢 7/21

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2015-07-21T08:35
牡羊座今日運勢 打雷閃電 今天要避免挑剔,或許你認為自己在整頓, 但整天處於負能量,你的氣場也會很混亂。 家人相處會有煩惱事出現,讓你很煩躁。 感情若彼此存在一些問題,當心這天它們容易被擴大,使氣氛不佳。 幸運色是藍色 - ...

07/21 英文版綜論

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2015-07-20T22:05
http://goo.gl/bgpjBX When a friend or loved one gets in a bind, it is only natural that your will feel protective of them and want to defend them. But bef ...

這樣還有機會嗎?? (微西斯)

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2015-07-20T20:17
大家好, 我是瓶女,大概在六月初經由歐兔版認識了羊男, 一開始只是互相打屁的關係, 見完面之後,當天的互動很不錯, 羊男便開始了積極的追求.... 而我也在一時衝動下答應了,當時我們才認識兩週... 答應的當天就發生了關係, 令我受傷的是...他說我的技巧不太好 Orz.... 加上之前常常被 ...

◆BERKANA 盧恩天使訊息 07/20~07/26◆

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2015-07-20T11:48
大家好,這一週的盧恩天使訊息來囉 :) 默默的已經到了七月後半段,最近都在走內心旅程,感觸多多阿! 打起精神來,繼續向前進!(握拳) 我們趕快來看看這一週天使要帶來什麼訊息吧! GOGOGO~ 因為是牡羊版,所以就只放牡羊期間相對應的盧恩符文的訊息囉^^ 其他的盧恩符文天使訊息,請至Blog ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-07-20T10:35
Source http://www.stars12.com/2015/07/2015_37.html 蘇珊米勒-2015年夏季時尚指南-牡羊座 牡羊座:找到真愛善盡職責本分 2015年的春夏,在12星座中,白羊座的你擁有最好的星相用來尋找到真愛。 木星為你待命幫助羊羊找到對的那位。 ...