07/25 The Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2016-07-24T23:25

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Pisces horoscope for Jul 25 2016

If you aren't communicating in a positive way with someone you are close to,
Pisces, you can't put all of the blame on the other person. You have a role
in the interaction too. Even though it may seem that you have a right to be
frustrated or upset over the content of a recent conversation, you need to go
back and analyze your own reactions and the things you said. If you look at
the situation objectively, you may be able to see reasons why the other
person is as upset as you are, which could help you to resolve the conflict


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Tags: 雙魚

All Comments

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2016-07-27T10:34
謝翻譯 唉真的一樣沮喪嗎
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2016-07-30T06:50
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2016-08-02T02:25
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2016-08-05T06:53
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2016-08-09T15:05
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2016-08-09T19:55
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2016-08-14T13:27
也太準,和媽媽妹妹隔空Line對戰= =
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2016-08-17T20:23

不一樣的魔女 不一樣的魚男

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2016-07-24T22:31
我們交往滿三個月了~ (撒花?) 今天是想說關於我跟魚男的吵架方式,以及他的溫柔 ----------------------------------------------------- 最近魚男去日本兩個禮拜QWQ,只好用視訊了,魚男特地把筆電帶去說是為了要跟我視訊 ,因為他的手機會閃退,這樣讓我覺得感動 ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2016-07-24T12:55
※ 引述《nba887215 (方塊馬)》之銘言: : 如題,最近本魯與一位魚女互動良好 : 我在做事都會多幫她一點,他也都默默接受 : 出去玩我幫他多付一點錢,他還要硬塞給我,請問如何看出他有沒有喜歡我? : 感謝各位大大! 大家好,看了許多大大的回文後,最近跟她又有點新進展,她表達出真實的自我(講一些 ...

07/24 The Daily Horoscope

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2016-07-24T00:40
Pisces horoscope for Jul 24 2016 You may find yourself teamed up with someone you donand#39;t care for very much. You may have to work with this person i ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2016-07-23T17:34
我是射女, 兩個禮拜前魚男說我們太常吵架了想要暫時分手, 我很難過但也同意了, 因為自己這幾次吵架的確哭鬧得太厲害, (因為他愈來愈不想理會我的情緒) 然後開始去諮商了解怎麼處理衝突和表達情緒。 上禮拜我們有見面, 他說還是很喜歡我甚至愛我, 但因為吵架的時候會想把我推開不理我, 想要繼續分開思考為什麼會這 ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2016-07-23T10:10
我認識一個魚男,個性活潑外向 平常相處都還好 只是有件事讓我不解 他每次和我說話時眼睛都不會看著我 眼神從我臉上撇開 等談話時間長一點 眼睛才會慢慢回到我身上 那種感覺不像是慌張 會是被討厭所以不想看著我嗎? 大家在和別人講話時,有看著對方眼睛說話的習慣嗎 - ...