07/30 羊兒運勢綜論 - 牡羊

By Quintina
at 2016-07-30T16:10
at 2016-07-30T16:10
Table of Contents
Your need for security is heightened. You begin to think of ways you can make
your base in life a firmer one. Careful of asking for commitments you may not
really want on a permanent basis.
工作之餘,聽首歌吧 (對嗚嗚我在公司)
但 自己還是自己 你只是更了解自己
大家一起加油吧 :)
※ 引述《Thejust (Chi)》之銘言:
: http://goo.gl/X5STQa
: Astrology.com
: One of your closest relationships is going through a power shift right now,
: and you are waking up to an imbalance that doesn't make you feel very good.
: Just realize that you are upset with the imbalance, not with the person.
: And you can adjust things back in a better direction if you start a dialogue.
: Be the first one to bring up the subject, and be enthusiastic about where you
: think things can go. Anger or adamancy are not going to help you get anywhere.
: 你的某個親近的人際關係最近似乎有權力轉移的狀況,
: 而你正從這種力量不平衡所造成的不舒服感醒來。
: 要知道讓你不舒服的只是這種不平衡關係,而不是對方這個人;
: 如果你主動開啟對話的話,是有機會能把這段關係再次調整回比較好的方向喲。
: 要自己先提起這個話題,而且對你希望整個關係走的方向有熱情與信念,
: 如果只是生氣或者固執的話,你們兩個人之間都不會變好的。
: http://goo.gl/qvQN4M
: Astrocenter.com
: You should always leave a loved one with loving words, Aries. Each time you
: exit a room, consider that you're never going to enter that room again.
: Perhaps you'll never see those people again. Make sure you take care of the
: people you like. People might need extra attention today to feel appreciated
: and important to you. Cuddle up to the people who mean the most to you.
: 羊兒們啊,你應該學會對心愛的親朋好友們講些甜甜的話。
: 想像每次你離開一個地方時,可能未來再也不會回到那裡了、也可能再也見不到他們了;
: 所以對你在乎且愛的人們,都應該隨時照顧好他們。
: 而今天(07/30)有些人可能就是特別需要你對他們付出關心與愛,
: 這樣他們才會知道自己對你是重要的;就去依偎在你最在乎的那些人身旁吧!
Your need for security is heightened. You begin to think of ways you can make
your base in life a firmer one. Careful of asking for commitments you may not
really want on a permanent basis.
工作之餘,聽首歌吧 (對嗚嗚我在公司)
但 自己還是自己 你只是更了解自己
大家一起加油吧 :)
※ 引述《Thejust (Chi)》之銘言:
: http://goo.gl/X5STQa
: Astrology.com
: One of your closest relationships is going through a power shift right now,
: and you are waking up to an imbalance that doesn't make you feel very good.
: Just realize that you are upset with the imbalance, not with the person.
: And you can adjust things back in a better direction if you start a dialogue.
: Be the first one to bring up the subject, and be enthusiastic about where you
: think things can go. Anger or adamancy are not going to help you get anywhere.
: 你的某個親近的人際關係最近似乎有權力轉移的狀況,
: 而你正從這種力量不平衡所造成的不舒服感醒來。
: 要知道讓你不舒服的只是這種不平衡關係,而不是對方這個人;
: 如果你主動開啟對話的話,是有機會能把這段關係再次調整回比較好的方向喲。
: 要自己先提起這個話題,而且對你希望整個關係走的方向有熱情與信念,
: 如果只是生氣或者固執的話,你們兩個人之間都不會變好的。
: http://goo.gl/qvQN4M
: Astrocenter.com
: You should always leave a loved one with loving words, Aries. Each time you
: exit a room, consider that you're never going to enter that room again.
: Perhaps you'll never see those people again. Make sure you take care of the
: people you like. People might need extra attention today to feel appreciated
: and important to you. Cuddle up to the people who mean the most to you.
: 羊兒們啊,你應該學會對心愛的親朋好友們講些甜甜的話。
: 想像每次你離開一個地方時,可能未來再也不會回到那裡了、也可能再也見不到他們了;
: 所以對你在乎且愛的人們,都應該隨時照顧好他們。
: 而今天(07/30)有些人可能就是特別需要你對他們付出關心與愛,
: 這樣他們才會知道自己對你是重要的;就去依偎在你最在乎的那些人身旁吧!
All Comments

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at 2016-08-04T00:39
at 2016-08-04T00:39

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