07/31 DailyHoroscope - 雙魚

By Noah
at 2019-07-31T01:32
at 2019-07-31T01:32
Table of Contents
Someone may attempt to involve you in an argument today, Pisces, hoping you wi
ll take their side. The problem may be that you can see valuable points on bot
h sides of that argument. Therefore, it may be your role to shed light on that
fact in an impartial manner. You can greatly persuade everyone involved to he
ar every point of view. And as an unbiased participant in this conversation, y
ou can be immensely helpful in getting everyone on the same page. Give it a tr
今天有人可能會試圖讓你參與爭論,雙魚座,希望你能站在他們一邊。 問題可能在於您
可以在該論點的兩邊看到有價值的觀點。 因此,你可以以公正的方式闡明這一事實。 你
可以大大說服每個參與者聽取每一個觀點。 作為這次對話的公正參與者,您可以非常有
幫助讓每個人都達成共識。 試試看。
Copyright ?? Daily Horoscope. Download it now 〞
ll take their side. The problem may be that you can see valuable points on bot
h sides of that argument. Therefore, it may be your role to shed light on that
fact in an impartial manner. You can greatly persuade everyone involved to he
ar every point of view. And as an unbiased participant in this conversation, y
ou can be immensely helpful in getting everyone on the same page. Give it a tr
今天有人可能會試圖讓你參與爭論,雙魚座,希望你能站在他們一邊。 問題可能在於您
可以在該論點的兩邊看到有價值的觀點。 因此,你可以以公正的方式闡明這一事實。 你
可以大大說服每個參與者聽取每一個觀點。 作為這次對話的公正參與者,您可以非常有
幫助讓每個人都達成共識。 試試看。
Copyright ?? Daily Horoscope. Download it now 〞
All Comments

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at 2019-08-06T11:54
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By Andrew
at 2019-08-08T18:54
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at 2019-08-08T22:06
at 2019-08-08T22:06

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at 2019-08-09T20:19
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By Enid
at 2019-08-12T11:06
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at 2019-08-14T17:19
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