08/03/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2020-03-08T19:06

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You may unintentionally fall into the role of mentor today, Scorpio.
Someone may seek you out for guidance on something for which you have a
knack or expertise. You may be surprised by your ability to direct someone
down their chosen path, and helping out could give you a genuine feel-good
sense of pride and accomplishment. There is no greater generosity than
sharing your time and knowledge with someone who needs direction. This is
a great way to do something positive and to help change the world for
someone who needs you.



Tags: 天蠍

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Re: 挽回蠍男 我是蟹女

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2020-03-06T22:26
※ 引述《oppy6800 (小湯圓)》之銘言: : 昨天他對我說了很多,說我很有耐性而他沒有 : ,他不喜歡重覆的解釋事情,我有時候領悟力理解力很慢,然後我又健忘...也有說之前給 : 我很多次機會讓我改,他覺得我懶散做事無法做好,給了機會可是他都沒有看到,覺得已 : 經到他的底線了......我真的好後悔 ...

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By Donna
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