08/03 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2017-08-02T23:45

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There is no shortage of wonderful, creative ideas in your prolific mind,
Moonchild. You have so many good ideas, in fact, that it may be hard to know
which to follow. At times, that means that you go around from one thing to
another, chasing your tail and accomplishing very little - or at least not
as much as you might if you were more focused. Today, you need to take a
look at all those ideas. Write them down in chart form if it helps. Grade
each of them with positives and negatives, and see where you wind up. It
may be much easier to prioritize this way.
西一件的事情上都四處張羅,從早到晚忙個不停並但只完成少數事情 -如果你更觀注

Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2017-08-07T13:27
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2017-08-09T08:17
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2017-08-11T04:13
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2017-08-13T08:05
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2017-08-14T21:38

Alex是大叔 巨蟹座2017年8月運勢

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2017-08-02T10:40
8月:那些鬥志應該被找回 事業: 8月初,容易出現糾紛,木星跟冥王的四分相將一些原先隱藏在檯面下的事情暴露出來。這 些事情原先以“默契”存在,也就是說彼此都知曉這些潛規則或者問題所在,大家都避而 不談或者不去觸碰,但木星跟冥王星的四分相會因為一些事情的導火線將事情暴露出來。 所以在8月初(其實 ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2017-08-02T09:50
剛好自己對「和前任維持朋友關係」這點還蠻有心得的? 覺得用推文廢話實在太多 簡單整理一下推文已經說過的部分 和前任是否要繼續聯絡 和是否是朋友關係 我覺得沒有完全的對錯 單純是兩人的想法取得共識就好 但看原文明顯沒有感覺到取得共識 我以前也是會和前任聯繫 而且會因為另一半介意而困擾的人 ...

08/02 Daily Horoscope

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2017-08-02T00:01
Today is a great day to focus on your health and well-being, Moonchild - not because something is wrong, but because things are going so right at this time ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2017-08-01T23:18
12星座裡只有螃蟹會吐泡 不是蟹子不能使用此標題喔!!! 遇到不如意了嗎? 找不到朋友嗎?蟹版的朋友歡迎回來吐吐泡喔 ^^ (可按ctrl+y刪除) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...

2017/08/02 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2017-08-01T17:23
巨蟹座 晴 今天適合新的事物,例如:用新的方式做事或去新的餐廳吃飯都會帶來好運。感情方面會 認識有趣的對象,建議要積極參加聚會。幸運色是卡其色。 - ...