08/03英文版綜論 - 牡羊

By Blanche
at 2015-08-02T22:56
at 2015-08-02T22:56
Table of Contents
If someone close to you tells you that they think you need to slow down
today, listen to them. You've been living and working at a very fast pace,
and while you might like the energy it gives you, other people are starting
to feel neglected. It's important to make time for the people you care about.
Even if it feels like an effort, it is an effort worth making. Sometimes you
have to put your personal goals aside and put other people first. That way,
you'll show them that they are important.
如果今天某位親近的人勸你慢下腳步, 把這個建議放在心上. 你已經在生活和工作嗡嗡嗡
了好一陣子, 當羊可能越做越來勁的同時, 其他人卻開始覺得被忽略了. 分些時間陪伴你
重視的人是非常重要的, 即使這件事做起來不簡單, 卻非常值得. 有時候你必須把心力
從個人目標移到他人身上, 透過這個方式, 你才能讓對方知道你多重視他們.
Today it would be worth trying to get in touch with those you couldn't get
hold of last week. Mercury is giving you a helping hand to complete what's on
your mind. Take advantage.
今天不妨試著聯絡那些你上周沒聯絡上的人. 水星正伸出援手, 幫你完成心頭之患.
There are several opportunities open now that weren't there before. The key
is to take advantage of them. Find freedom in the strange and new. Be a
pioneer today and venture into the unknown. This is a day to expand and reach
new heights by having more confidence in your abilities. Things will get
stale and boring if you keep doing the same things over and over.
眼前開啟了好幾道過去不存在的機會之窗, 關鍵是好好運用他們. 在奇特與嶄新中找到
自由吧! 今天羊兒要學哥倫布, 勇敢朝未知探險. 這是一個拓展與達到新高度的日子,
只要你對自己的能力更有信心, 畢竟老是重複做同樣的事, 事情就變得很膩又無趣.
標點符號傷眼非常抱歉 今天電腦鬧脾氣輸入法無法正常切換囧
把原文貼到word卻發現不能打中文 只好開個網頁打字(卻無法切換英文及標點符號...)
只好一直剪剪貼貼到pcman (ノ-_-)ノ~┴┴
If someone close to you tells you that they think you need to slow down
today, listen to them. You've been living and working at a very fast pace,
and while you might like the energy it gives you, other people are starting
to feel neglected. It's important to make time for the people you care about.
Even if it feels like an effort, it is an effort worth making. Sometimes you
have to put your personal goals aside and put other people first. That way,
you'll show them that they are important.
如果今天某位親近的人勸你慢下腳步, 把這個建議放在心上. 你已經在生活和工作嗡嗡嗡
了好一陣子, 當羊可能越做越來勁的同時, 其他人卻開始覺得被忽略了. 分些時間陪伴你
重視的人是非常重要的, 即使這件事做起來不簡單, 卻非常值得. 有時候你必須把心力
從個人目標移到他人身上, 透過這個方式, 你才能讓對方知道你多重視他們.
Today it would be worth trying to get in touch with those you couldn't get
hold of last week. Mercury is giving you a helping hand to complete what's on
your mind. Take advantage.
今天不妨試著聯絡那些你上周沒聯絡上的人. 水星正伸出援手, 幫你完成心頭之患.
There are several opportunities open now that weren't there before. The key
is to take advantage of them. Find freedom in the strange and new. Be a
pioneer today and venture into the unknown. This is a day to expand and reach
new heights by having more confidence in your abilities. Things will get
stale and boring if you keep doing the same things over and over.
眼前開啟了好幾道過去不存在的機會之窗, 關鍵是好好運用他們. 在奇特與嶄新中找到
自由吧! 今天羊兒要學哥倫布, 勇敢朝未知探險. 這是一個拓展與達到新高度的日子,
只要你對自己的能力更有信心, 畢竟老是重複做同樣的事, 事情就變得很膩又無趣.
標點符號傷眼非常抱歉 今天電腦鬧脾氣輸入法無法正常切換囧
把原文貼到word卻發現不能打中文 只好開個網頁打字(卻無法切換英文及標點符號...)
只好一直剪剪貼貼到pcman (ノ-_-)ノ~┴┴
All Comments

By Wallis
at 2015-08-06T08:46
at 2015-08-06T08:46

By Blanche
at 2015-08-09T22:01
at 2015-08-09T22:01

By Ida
at 2015-08-11T04:46
at 2015-08-11T04:46

By David
at 2015-08-14T18:52
at 2015-08-14T18:52

By Brianna
at 2015-08-15T18:29
at 2015-08-15T18:29
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