09/02/2019 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2019-02-09T01:29

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You have been carrying a burden of guilt and regret around with you for a
long, long time, Moonchild. You know the one. It's that thought that
occasionally pricks through, putting you down, when you are feeling good
about yourself. It tells you that you aren't all that great after all. But
you have recognized what you have done wrong, and you have done so much
better. You have paid the penalty and then some. You need to let go of
this. Doing so will free you to do great things that will go beyond making
amends. You owe it to yourself.



Tags: 巨蟹

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Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2019-02-10T15:53
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2019-02-14T19:43
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2019-02-15T00:26


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2019-02-08T01:36
※ 引述《z375124 (z375124)》之銘言: : 他問我 你覺得我們還適合當情侶嗎? : 我說我們不適合嗎?他說他覺得我們理念不合, ———————— 雖然我不是巨蟹(只是升蟹+蟹眷),但你們年紀多大? 如果是屆於適婚年齡而且有認真考慮成家生子的人來說 無論今天不管是哪一個星座 生涯規劃和人生理 ...

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Una avatar
By Una
at 2019-02-07T02:14
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Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2019-02-06T18:21
本標題給對 蟹男 有疑問的版友使用 不論是愛情 友情 親情 (可按ctrl+y刪除) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我的星座是:射女 與對方的關係:剛分手挽回中 [追求中 交往 ...

求助 巨蟹男請進

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2019-02-06T16:56
我的星座是: 水瓶女 與對方的關係: 友達以上嗎? [追求中 交往中 挽回中 暗戀中 ...等] (文長但跪求大家看完!) 想請問大家的問題是: 大約2018年12月底認識一位35歲的巨蟹男 我是22歲的水瓶女 他很信紫微命盤自己也很會算 於是我們的話題就從算命開始 我對星座也頗有了解講他前幾任女友個性都 ...

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