09/10 the daily horoscope - 雙子

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2021-09-09T10:38

Table of Contents

You may be worried that if you don't get a certain important task done immedia
tely, you will never get it done, and that could be disastrous. Therefore, Gem
ini, you may be rushing through it for fear of missing out. But rushing throug
h it may carry a far greater risk than taking your time. You know what you are
doing. You don't have to move through a current quest in panic mode. If you w
ork your way through it thoughtfully, you will get it done - and done right. S
tay focused.







如果你深思熟慮地處理它,你將會完成它 —



Ps. 如果有誤譯的話請指教,謝謝。

Tags: 雙子

All Comments

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2021-09-07T02:42

唐綺陽 2021/9/8(三)

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2021-09-08T10:15
今日運勢 2021 / 09 / 08 (三) 雨 今天身體免疫力較低,容易有生病的狀況, 提醒你要當心且做好保暖的工作。 感情方面會聊到不愉快的話題, 導致彼此的相處氣氛很低迷。 幸運色是黑色。 - ...

唐綺陽 2021/9/7(二)

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2021-09-08T08:51
有夠準~~~~ - ...

09/09 the daily horoscope

James avatar
By James
at 2021-09-08T08:31
When someone pushes you, either physically or metaphorically, it is only natur al to want to push back. Being pushed puts you in a defensive position, maki ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2021-09-07T18:27
祁飛莫然一週星座運勢9/6-9/12 http://www.stars12.com/2021/09/96-912_15.html 判答一週星座運勢9/6-9/12 http://www.stars12.com/2021/09/96-912_24.html 莫小棋一週星座運勢9/6-9/12 http:// ...

唐綺陽 2021/9/7(二)

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2021-09-07T10:20
今日運勢 2021 / 09 / 07 (二) 晴時多雲 今天有些人答應你的事情沒有做到,讓你感到很生氣, 不過可以趁機看清對方的真面目。 感情方面會有家人朋友們特別關心你的戀情。 幸運色是綠色。 - ...