09/12~15/12/2019 Weekly Horoscope - 天蠍

Una avatar
By Una
at 2019-12-09T23:57

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Love may be on your mind this week, Scorpio. If you are single, someone
special could catch your eye. Although you are a very sexy sign, you are
also someone who tends to be very private. Your attraction to someone new
may help to draw you out of your shell and become more open to sharing who
you are on a deeper level, and that's a good thing. If you are attached,
you may discover something endearing about your mate that you never knew,
and it could be quite intriguing. This week may also bring a rare chance
to manifest a long-time dream or to at least take the first steps toward
doing so. This may come through a friend of a friend or someone who is on
the periphery of your life - someone you would least expect to offer you
this unique opportunity. Did someone deprive you of the chance to get
proper credit for a big achievement? This may have happened because of
jealousy. But this week you may see an indication that you will have that
chance again, and it could even bring you some kind of reward or
recognition, or it may open an important door for you. There may be signs
of hope that a project that was abandoned has a chance to be revived, and
this could be very meaningful to you on many levels. This could bring you
a chance to fulfill an old promise to yourself.






Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2019-12-10T14:14
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2019-12-14T00:20
Thx, It’ll be better.
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2019-12-18T12:02

請問蠍男在想什麼 謝謝

James avatar
By James
at 2019-12-09T21:09
代po 我是射手女生 一開始認識一個常常去夜店的學長 一開始我不喜歡他 我喜歡乖乖牌的男 生 我們認識兩年 後來我們因緣際會之下 做報告必須分在一組 所以我們才有機會彼此溝通 漸漸也會談未 來 家庭 關心彼此許多事情 一開始他不會跟我說太多關於他家裡的私事 後來他會跟我說許多他家裡的事情 我問他他 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2019-12-09T10:24
https://www.mis.nsysu.edu.tw/admission/ 中山大學的電子商務與商業分析 碩士在職專班 上課方式絕大部份是網路線上 提供參考~~ - ...

Alex是大叔 12/09~12/15 天蠍座本週運

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2019-12-09T09:44
太陽或上升天蠍座:你可能意識到有些東西已經無法修復和無法彌補了,所以你反而覺得 這是一種輕鬆——不必僞裝,逢迎甚至要假裝彼此都很友好,現在反而讓你更加釋然。當 然,你近期的壓力也很大,因爲揹負著許多期待,指標,或者很想要得到想要的結果,或 者是通過一次考試,也可能是得到喜歡的人反饋。這週的滿月會將你的這些期待 ...

唐綺陽 2019/12/09(一)晴

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2019-12-09T07:56
2019 / 12 / 09 (一) 晴 今天工作上有進度,你已經掌握到方向,後續對你來說不是太大的問題,立定志向和方向 很重要。 感情方面相處時間對你來說很重要,就算靜靜的什麼都不做,對你來說也很有感覺。 幸運色是黑色。 - 是久違的晴天運勢呢! - ...

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Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2019-12-08T23:26
Has an old fear come back to haunt you, Scorpio? You may be aware of some similarities to a current endeavor, and it may resemble the prospect of a reocurr ...