09/23 the daily horoscope - 雙子

David avatar
By David
at 2021-09-22T16:44

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If you have an idea, you are now formulating to be the big deal you think it c
an be, Gemini, you will need to be a skeptic. Since you are the originator of
this idea, you may think your role is to simply be passionate about it, to sha
re it enthusiastically, and to stand behind it 100%. But if you aren't also sk
eptical about it - the way you would be if it were someone else's idea - then
you won't see it objectively enough to make it the big deal that you know it c
an be.






但是,如果你對它不抱持懷疑的態度 —

就像如果它是別人的想法一樣 —




Tags: 雙子

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Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2021-09-27T14:15

處女雙男配 想繼續 不知道怎麼調整

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2021-09-21T22:08
※ 引述《ASPhyche (請給我適度的嗎啡)》之銘言: : 處女女34 雙子男37 : 處女女 離過婚 : 雙男交過3 未結過婚 曾有論及婚嫁的前女友 : 前任女友已經分手超過5年 是公司在職同事 : 有拜讀過coldheart96大大的處雙文 但看他已經半年沒有進入PTT : 就沒有寫信跟她請益了 : ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2021-09-21T20:34
Angie老師的占星蛋炒飯分享了12星座的專屬特別小提醒 分成兩篇,可以點下方兩則連結看詳細, 提醒各星座的注意方向及建議,以下節錄簡單重點: 牡羊:注意虛胖 金牛:注意皮膚 雙子:注意過敏 巨蟹:找人聊聊 獅子:好心會有好報 處女:控制慾望 以上星座詳細內容,分享自Angie老師的占星蛋炒飯 Inst ...

09/22 the daily horoscope

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2021-09-21T12:41
You may be doing what needs to be done at work or on an obligatory project, Ge mini. But just going through the motions on this wonand#39;t do. You want to ...

處女雙男配 好想放棄

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2021-09-21T09:32
處女女34 雙子男37 處女女 離過婚 雙男交過3 未結過婚 曾有論及婚嫁的前女友 前任女友已經分手超過5年 是公司在職同事 有拜讀過coldheart96大大的處雙文 但看他已經半年沒有進入PTT 就沒有寫信跟她請益了 前情提要結束-------------------------- 目前在一起快一年的時 ...

09/21 the daily horoscope

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2021-09-20T13:43
If you hear a lot of negative things about a personand#39;s character or personality , you will form a certain impression of them. If you then attend a par ...