10/01~10/07/2018 Weekly Horoscope - 天蠍

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2018-10-01T14:31

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You may be questioning a recent choice at the beginning of this week. You
may be wondering if there are elements you don't know about or had not
considered. You may be in moments of panicked thinking, wondering if you
can somehow back out. Hold on a minute, Scorpio. Is this genuine regret,
or is it a simple case of buyer's remorse that won't last? You thought
long and hard beforehand. You aren't known for being impulsive in a risky
way. Surely you can count on your thought process. If you don't panic, you
will probably settle into a comforted state with the recognition that you
really did do the right thing. This week may also put you in the path of
high-strung people who expect a lot from you, and some of their
expectations may be unrealistic. But just because they are expecting
something does not mean you owe them anything. Be prepared to stand up for
yourself, and only agree with what you really agree with! You could meet
someone this week or perhaps be put in the position of working with
someone whose reputation precedes them. You may have heard stories of how
difficult this person is, how bad-tempered, how untrustworthy, and so on.
Yet if you keep an open mind, you may be pleasantly surprised. Don't judge
a book by its cover or by what anyone else has told you about it. Your
weekend will likely be pleasantly slow-paced.



Tags: 天蠍

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Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2018-10-02T14:50
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2018-10-07T04:57
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2018-10-09T03:21
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2018-10-12T11:28
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2018-10-17T06:03

唐綺陽每日星座運勢 10/01 (一)

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2018-10-01T02:14
今日運勢 2018 / 10 / 01 (一) 雨 今天有工作進度沒掌握好的困擾,請專心致志,否則趕工的效果不佳,也會影響自己情緒。 感情方面會因工作忙碌而忽略對方的心理需求,記得還是要適時關心。 幸運色是綠色。 ——— 手機又故障了…… 需要個替死鬼讓我怪罪,好比今天不僅是星期一還是雨天。 - ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2018-10-01T00:15
不好意思~因爲想要推原po文有點長所以直接回應文章,可以ㄧ起討論。 我也是羊女,是蠍眷。 關於原則與個性: 妳可以喜歡這個人的特質,但妳不會因爲喜歡他而凡事配合他,破壞自己想要的原則,有 原則但不代表沒有彈性。終究要想自己內心要的是什麼。 我先舉我例子,前期我還沒喜歡上我男友時,我男友會臨時約我,我就會拒絕, ...

氧氣占星 2018年10月天蠍座運勢

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-09-30T10:49
本次金星在你們的命宮逆行,你們將成為本次金逆的重災區,金星的逆行必然給你們帶來 和未完結相關的課題,實際上早在 9月下旬這種苗頭已初露,進入本月以來這種未完結的 現象愈發明顯,比如涉及未完結的情愫,執著於某段糾結不清的感情,比如某些工作的拖 拖拉拉,由於效率的低下,難以在規定時間內完成延期的可能性很大,如果你 ...

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