10/05/2018 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Quanna
at 2018-10-04T23:17
at 2018-10-04T23:17
Table of Contents
You are so close to realizing a dream, and your proximity to this may be
both frightening and exhilarating. You can see glimmers of the vision you
have shining before you, Moonchild, but you may still fear that it won't
happen. Banish negative thoughts from your mind and invite in optimism and
abundance. You may still be missing some of the elements you need to make
this dream happen, but they will materialize when you need them. Be open
to assistance from those who want to help.
both frightening and exhilarating. You can see glimmers of the vision you
have shining before you, Moonchild, but you may still fear that it won't
happen. Banish negative thoughts from your mind and invite in optimism and
abundance. You may still be missing some of the elements you need to make
this dream happen, but they will materialize when you need them. Be open
to assistance from those who want to help.
All Comments

By Ida
at 2018-10-07T09:19
at 2018-10-07T09:19

By Elizabeth
at 2018-10-08T12:55
at 2018-10-08T12:55

By Skylar Davis
at 2018-10-12T20:26
at 2018-10-12T20:26

By Aaliyah
at 2018-10-16T21:48
at 2018-10-16T21:48

By Rachel
at 2018-10-18T16:37
at 2018-10-18T16:37

By Caroline
at 2018-10-22T23:50
at 2018-10-22T23:50

By Frederica
at 2018-10-24T10:45
at 2018-10-24T10:45

By Rachel
at 2018-10-25T07:41
at 2018-10-25T07:41

By Irma
at 2018-10-29T09:17
at 2018-10-29T09:17

By John
at 2018-11-01T20:15
at 2018-11-01T20:15

By Agatha
at 2018-11-04T17:48
at 2018-11-04T17:48

By Frederica
at 2018-11-05T17:45
at 2018-11-05T17:45

By Poppy
at 2018-11-08T20:01
at 2018-11-08T20:01

By Necoo
at 2018-11-13T08:52
at 2018-11-13T08:52

By Oscar
at 2018-11-14T06:47
at 2018-11-14T06:47

By Heather
at 2018-11-14T21:33
at 2018-11-14T21:33

By Gilbert
at 2018-11-15T01:59
at 2018-11-15T01:59

By Hazel
at 2018-11-17T04:30
at 2018-11-17T04:30
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