10/05/2021 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2021-05-10T02:11

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Taking on a new project should be your decision and no one else's, yet you m
ay be giving that power over to someone you feel beholding to. Ordinarily, t
hat's not your style, Scorpio, but you might also want to impress a certain
person, and this may seem like a good way to do it. But if you take on a ven
ture now, and your heart isn't truly in it, it could actually have the oppos
ite effect. And what's more, it could also leave you with a feeling of heavi
ness as you complete it. Do only what feels right to you.

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Tags: 天蠍

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Necoo avatar
By Necoo
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