10/1 星座運勢 - 獅子

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2018-09-30T20:50

Table of Contents

Daily 日常

There's nothing wrong with being indecisive -- it shows that you're taking all
your options seriously. So don't listen to folks who tell you to hurry on up
today. Don't worry about taking too long to come to your conclusions, because
you need to feel comfortable with where you put your energy and time. And if y
ou need to change your mind, that's okay, too -- you're entitled to do that ev
ery once in a while. Take the pressure off of yourself!


Work 工作

It's time to look at the whole rather than just your part. After all, you don'
t exist in a vacuum, and your behavior and decisions affect everyone who cross
es your path, especially loved ones. Get their input for once. It may absolute
ly astound you!


Singles Love 愛情

Your easy-going nature saves the day today! Others may panic, but you're calm,
cool and collected with a smart solution. Adding drama just isn't your style,
and it shows -- impressing those who want to get to know you better.



Tags: 獅子

All Comments

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2018-10-01T07:07
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2018-10-05T19:54

10/1 Daily Horoscope

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2018-09-30T19:08
If you have felt down the last few days, Leo, your spirit is about to be lifted. Think about how it feels to travel an uphill road where all you can see is ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2018-09-30T10:23
曾經在一起三年,對,前女友 但已經過了一年 中間也經歷了好幾次的封鎖又解鎖 彼此都難斷捨離,她似乎灑脫一點 因為我覺得在這段感情中受害者是她 後來的我們成為了偶爾一起玩遊戲的朋友 平時也不太聯絡 我傳照片給她看,還會嫌我占她手機容量 獅女:每天都傳一張 365天不就300張? 聽到這句話我承認有點小玻璃心 ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-09-29T23:17
※ 引述《sataneyes2 ()》之銘言: : 身為獅眷近一年 : 最近想為了獅男摯友的婚禮燙捲髮 : 自以為可以讓他有面子 : 在去燙之前假會的問他一下意見 : 他表示喜歡直髮,但我還是去燙了 : (我就是犯賤何必去問...) : 導致獅男非常非常不爽, : 連續好幾天電話敷衍帶過, : 原本以為他只是 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2018-09-29T22:28
身為獅眷近一年 最近想為了獅男摯友的婚禮燙捲髮 自以為可以讓他有面子 在去燙之前假會的問他一下意見 他表示喜歡直髮,但我還是去燙了 (我就是犯賤何必去問...) 導致獅男非常非常不爽, 連續好幾天電話敷衍帶過, 原本以為他只是太累, 後來見面完全不講話, 只嗯帶過後直接去睡覺,我就是空氣.. 問他他才坦承 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2018-09-29T19:37
as title 最後一次吵架的時候 他說他累了要分手 (個人推測原因是因為我太喜歡盧他 想要他這樣那樣 但是他付出的改變被我視為理所當 然) 我跟他說想復合的時候 他反過來問我憑什麼 要我說服他再給我機會 但是我講出來的話都被他打槍 臉書的穩定交往還掛著 他沒跟朋友說我們分手了 主動傳訊息會已讀但沒有回 ...