10/15 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2019-10-15T00:51

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When taking a stroll through the woods for relaxation and enjoyment, most peop
le will choose the well-worn path over scrambling through vines and brambles.
It might be pleasant enough to take that easier path, but those travelers may
be missing something by not choosing the tougher route. You have a choice to m
ake now, Capricorn. There are two ways you can go. One is easier but less rewa
rding. One is tougher but has greater potential. It's all about what will be b
est for you, and only you can decide on that. Follow your instincts.

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Tags: 摩羯

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Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2019-10-16T10:53
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2019-10-18T18:20
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2019-10-19T14:04
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2019-10-20T12:50
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2019-10-21T10:57

Alex是大叔 10/14~10/20 摩羯座本週運勢

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2019-10-14T09:27
太陽或上升摩羯座:別人看到了你的優勢與長處,你的魅力正在散發,這是有些美妙的一 週,所以很可能會被人重視起來——你也非常享受這種感覺,因為是一種認可,但同樣的 ,隨著滿月的來臨,你心中也有一些焦灼感,所謂焦灼感代表你正在籌備更多的事情,你 擔心事情失敗或者被延期、取消,又或者此時有人給你帶來一個突發狀況的消息 ...

10/14 Daily Horoscope

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2019-10-14T04:04
Today may be a day when the adage about truth being stranger than fiction real ly hits close to home. You may hear something or receive news that is quite ...

唐綺陽 2019/10/12-13 週末

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2019-10-13T18:33
週末運勢 2019/10/12-13(六日)打雷閃電 週末有情緒風暴來襲,你容易把事情想得很嚴重,或自己嚇自己,建議要提醒自己跳脫出來 ,對事後有關鍵幫助。 感情方面你不在意的對象容易太過殷勤,讓你感到困擾。 幸運色是咖啡色、卡其色。 https://www.daily-zodiac.com/mobi ...

10/13 Daily Horoscope

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2019-10-13T00:21
You have done the same thing over and over again in your aim to achieve someth ing, Capricorn, yet you keep getting the same unsatisfactory result. But you ...

10/13 解憂事務所 每日星座運勢

David avatar
By David
at 2019-10-12T20:48
若是多花時間獨處沉思,有機會增加工作上的靈感。 最近的你最需要的就是去散步放空,偏偏社交邀約一大堆,讓你根本靜不下來。 提醒:希望家人之間互相關心,可以先主動。 工作靈感:★★★★☆ 社交活動:★★★★☆ 家庭氣氛:★★★☆☆ 參考資料:解憂事務所 免費訂閱日運勢[line]:atfortuneme ht ...