10/15 DailyHoroscope - 獅子

By Eden
at 2019-10-14T23:58
at 2019-10-14T23:58
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You are a passionate force of nature, Leo. You radiate like the sun, and you e
xude good vibrations. But because of your enthusiastic nature, you are sometim
es easily convinced to get involved in your unwise adventures. You can see a d
ream vividly without thinking about the potential downfalls since you are such
an optimist. Sometimes you need someone to ground you. If someone is now offe
ring you unasked-for advice, pay attention to it. It may be just what you need
to hear.
但是由於你的熱情天性,有時你很容易被說服參與一場不明智的冒險。 但因為你是一個
有時你需要有人拉住你。 如果有人現在向你提供未經三思的建議,請注意它。
xude good vibrations. But because of your enthusiastic nature, you are sometim
es easily convinced to get involved in your unwise adventures. You can see a d
ream vividly without thinking about the potential downfalls since you are such
an optimist. Sometimes you need someone to ground you. If someone is now offe
ring you unasked-for advice, pay attention to it. It may be just what you need
to hear.
但是由於你的熱情天性,有時你很容易被說服參與一場不明智的冒險。 但因為你是一個
有時你需要有人拉住你。 如果有人現在向你提供未經三思的建議,請注意它。
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