10/25 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

By Emily
at 2022-10-24T23:15
at 2022-10-24T23:15
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Scorpio horoscope for 星期二 10月 25
Scorpio horoscope for 星期二 10月 25
Don't become so intensely focused on what you have to say today, Scorpio, that
you fail to hear what someone else has to say. That part of the puzzle is jus
t as important. No matter how eloquently you express yourself, if you don't he
ar or understand another person's point of view, you may never reach the agree
ment you are hoping for. The success of an important upcoming conversation wil
l rely on give and take. There is room for compromise, but you won't know it i
f you don't pay attention. Make sure you do.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
Scorpio horoscope for 星期二 10月 25
Don't become so intensely focused on what you have to say today, Scorpio, that
you fail to hear what someone else has to say. That part of the puzzle is jus
t as important. No matter how eloquently you express yourself, if you don't he
ar or understand another person's point of view, you may never reach the agree
ment you are hoping for. The success of an important upcoming conversation wil
l rely on give and take. There is room for compromise, but you won't know it i
f you don't pay attention. Make sure you do.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
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