10/28 唐綺陽每日星座運勢 - 雙魚

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2019-10-28T01:40

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今日運勢 2019 / 10 / 28 (一) 陰





Tags: 雙魚

All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2019-10-28T17:11
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2019-11-01T23:24

10/28 Daily Horoscope

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2019-10-27T23:01
Many if not most people suffer from a lot of stress these days. Life moves at such a fast pace that we barely have time to catch our breath, let alone find ...

10/27 Daily Horoscope

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2019-10-26T21:41
If you are struggling with a matter of the heart now, Pisces, you may not know where to turn for guidance. Perhaps you canand#39;t ask your friends or your ...

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2019-10-25T22:58
晚安 各位雙魚 1.大家都比較跟哪個星座成為好友呢?? 2.通常喜歡你或是追求過你的/交往過較多的異性星座是哪個呢?? 我的話 1.水象星座都有 也是最多 2.射手 水瓶!! 承2 射手真的對女生蠻好的 但偏偏我都...andgt; andlt; -- ◢▃◣ˍ▁ˍ◢▃◣ ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2019-10-25T08:34
最近剛認識一個魚男, 聊天頻率大概是我講三句他回一兩句,但只要他有空絕對秒讀秒回, 共同興趣很多,完全沒有尬聊情況, 我是一個話題無限多的人。 也願意稍微跟我講一點自己的人生觀, 第一次遇到魚魚,覺得跟金牛一樣有點悶騷...... 做了三四次球給他,第一次他就有興趣要出來, 可是時間喬不好, 後來我不死心 ...

10/25 Daily Horoscope

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2019-10-24T23:33
The support that you have hoped for from family and friends has been hard or impossible to come by. There are those in your inner circle who may not approv ...