10/3 DailyHoroscope - 獅子

By James
at 2019-10-02T22:46
at 2019-10-02T22:46
Table of Contents
Some people will go out of their way to avoid trouble, taking every precaution
they can conceive of. And there are other people who seem to go out seeking t
rouble at every turn. You may soon have to work with one of the latter kinds o
f people, Leo. You are someone who steers clear of trouble, but you are ready,
willing, and able to address it if it comes along. However, if someone brings
trouble into your world for no good reason, that's another story. Be firm in
how you deal with this, or you could wind up taking on someone else's problem.
有些人會竭盡所能去避免麻煩,會採取所有可以想到的預防措施。 還有其他人似乎四處
尋找麻煩。 你可能很快就要與後一種人合作。
但是,如果有人無緣無故地給你的世界帶來麻煩,那就是另一回事了。 要堅定的處理此
they can conceive of. And there are other people who seem to go out seeking t
rouble at every turn. You may soon have to work with one of the latter kinds o
f people, Leo. You are someone who steers clear of trouble, but you are ready,
willing, and able to address it if it comes along. However, if someone brings
trouble into your world for no good reason, that's another story. Be firm in
how you deal with this, or you could wind up taking on someone else's problem.
有些人會竭盡所能去避免麻煩,會採取所有可以想到的預防措施。 還有其他人似乎四處
尋找麻煩。 你可能很快就要與後一種人合作。
但是,如果有人無緣無故地給你的世界帶來麻煩,那就是另一回事了。 要堅定的處理此
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