10/5 DailyHoroscope - 獅子

By Zora
at 2019-10-04T23:48
at 2019-10-04T23:48
Table of Contents
You may be waiting for just the perfect moment to proceed with a plan. It woul
d be ideal if all of your resources were available, if you had a supportive gr
oup to cheer you, and so on and so on. But the perfect moment doesn't always j
ust arrive on your doorstep, Leo. That does not mean that your quest is not me
ant to be. The answer here is that you may have to create your own perfect mom
ent. You may not have everything you want exactly as you want it, but you can
achieve the perfect outcome anyway.
你可能正在等待最佳時機來執行你的計劃。 例如如果你有所有你需要的資源等等,又或
但是,天總是不會從人願,但這並不意味著你的追 付出都付諸東流。
事實是:你必須創造自己的完美時刻。 你可能沒有得到你想要的一切,但無論如何你都
d be ideal if all of your resources were available, if you had a supportive gr
oup to cheer you, and so on and so on. But the perfect moment doesn't always j
ust arrive on your doorstep, Leo. That does not mean that your quest is not me
ant to be. The answer here is that you may have to create your own perfect mom
ent. You may not have everything you want exactly as you want it, but you can
achieve the perfect outcome anyway.
你可能正在等待最佳時機來執行你的計劃。 例如如果你有所有你需要的資源等等,又或
但是,天總是不會從人願,但這並不意味著你的追 付出都付諸東流。
事實是:你必須創造自己的完美時刻。 你可能沒有得到你想要的一切,但無論如何你都
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