10/8 Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2021-10-08T00:04

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Pisces horoscope for Oct 8 2021

The subconscious mind does not reason or question. That's why hypnosis can work for some people but not others. Listening to suggestions that you aren't going to doubt while relaxing in a quiet, peaceful state of mind can have a powerful impact on a person. It is only when you begin to doubt and feel cynical that dreams begin to seem impossible. Today, Pisces, it is important for you to suspend your disbelief about something you want. "Hypnotize" yourself into seeing this goal as a reality, rather than
seeing it as a fantasy, and you will begin to finally get there, dear Pisces.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic

潛意識不會推理或質疑。這就是為什麼催眠對某些人有效,但對其他人無效。聆聽那些你不會懷疑的建議,同時以安靜、平和的心態放鬆,會對一個人產生強大的影響。只有當你開始懷疑和憤世嫉俗時,夢想才開始變得不可能。今天,魚兒,重要的是你要暫停對你想要的東西的懷疑。 「催眠」自己,將這個目標視為現實,而不是幻想,然後你就會開始最終實現目標,親愛的魚兒。

弱弱翻譯 請多指教

Tags: 雙魚

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Selena avatar
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Margaret avatar
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