10/9 Daily Horoscope 翻譯 - 天秤

By Donna
at 2014-10-08T16:50
at 2014-10-08T16:50
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Libra horoscope for Oct 9 2014
You may believe that you are more qualified, more talented, more knowledgeable
, and generally better for a certain opportunity than someone else. And,
because you feel that others may not recognize this, you could be vocally
defending yourself. That won't win you any friends though, Libra. Just trust
that other people - primarily the people that really count - are able to see
how much you have to offer. If you start blowing your own horn in an
obnoxious ways, you won't win friends or influence people. Be subtle, be
modest, and believe in yourself.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Libra horoscope for Oct 9 2014
You may believe that you are more qualified, more talented, more knowledgeable
, and generally better for a certain opportunity than someone else. And,
because you feel that others may not recognize this, you could be vocally
defending yourself. That won't win you any friends though, Libra. Just trust
that other people - primarily the people that really count - are able to see
how much you have to offer. If you start blowing your own horn in an
obnoxious ways, you won't win friends or influence people. Be subtle, be
modest, and believe in yourself.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
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