10th May 2017 Daily&Love Horoscope - 水瓶

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2017-05-10T01:05

Table of Contents

Daily Horoscope

You may need to jump to many different people and situations today, Aquarius,
yet something is holding you back. Listen to this inner voice that's asking
you to be conservative at this time. You have many more profound things to
say when you filter your thoughts through a large funnel. Be open and
accepting of many things, but only allow a limited outflow.

Love Horoscope

You have full permission from the cosmos to dress up for a night of glamour.
A square between the Moon and Neptune means that if you are going out on a
date this evening, you will have a truly wonderful time, and your feet will
hardly touch the ground. Although these kinds of occasions are pretty far
removed from reality, use this opportunity to share some quality time with
your latest love interest.


Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2017-05-10T09:57
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2017-05-12T16:56


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2017-05-10T00:54
星座天氣:晴天 今天有人請你幫忙,使你累積一些人情,甚至讓別人對你刮目相看。 感情方面另一半需要你的關心和照顧,建議伸出援手會增進彼此的關係。 幸運色是紫色。 -- 這段時間會因為女王範而受到矚目,因此水瓶女的桃花運非常旺,建議拿出自己的氣場 或是用心穿著打扮,絕對能讓你特別亮眼 - ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2017-05-09T22:24
《法塔羅克里福德》5/8~5/14塔羅星座運勢 本運勢請同時參考太陽與上昇星座 水瓶座 皇帝 太陽 死神逆位 脫離了前幾週的陰霾,現在大環境的能量對你們是比較友善了點,但這並不是永遠,還請 隨時保持警覺。 ◎你會開始充滿自信,也會希望獲得認同與尊重,你的企圖心跟責任感將變的更為明顯。 對生活也開始 ...

9th May 2017 Daily&Love Horoscope

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2017-05-08T23:52
Daily Horoscope In spite of any feelings to the contrary, Aquarius, youand#39;re bound to be successful. You may be involved in a group project that requi ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2017-05-08T23:40
星座天氣:打雷閃電 今天流言會繞著身邊轉,雖然讓你很受矚目,但是對於有秘密的人則會感到困擾。 感情部分周遭對你的戀情很感興趣,建議不要曝光太多消息比較好。 幸運色是藍色。 -- 這段時間會因為女王範而受到矚目,因此水瓶女的桃花運非常旺,建議拿出自己的氣場 或是用心穿著打扮,絕對能讓你特別亮眼 -- 都已 ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2017-05-08T21:31
2/2瓶女 最近不可自拔的愛上了一個對象 已經在交往中 但意識到自己過於患得患失 我好在乎他的小動作 變得很容易吃醋 簡直就快要沒有自己了 好糾結自己這樣的狀況 不想要讓別人主宰我的喜樂 可是如果硬是轉移注意力 對方又是很敏銳的人 一定會立馬被察覺異狀的 怎麼找平衡啊 心頭酸酸癢癢的感覺 ...