11/04-11/10 DH週運 - 摩羯

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2019-11-04T19:21

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This week, Capricorn, you need to trust in your decision-making abilities and
your common sense as you navigate through a work-related or money-making endea
vor. The behaviors of others may cause you to doubt yourself, but don't doubt
yourself for even a second. You have solid knowledge and authoritative command
of the situation, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Remaining confiden
t and sure of your skills will be instrumental in leading you to your goal.
This week may also be very grounding in your personal life as well. Some unexp
ected conversation may get you talking about a topic that you have avoided for
fear of not knowing how to handle it. But once you launch into a true exchang
e of thoughts and feelings, you will see that the exchange between you and som
eone else is rather easy and natural. You can work something out beautifully t
hat will lead to a happier, more stable home life. Thoughts about a positive e
xperience from your past may inspire you to try something similar today - or v
ery soon.
Since this was an uplifting experience at the time, you can expect it to be pl
easant and fulfilling. But don't get married to the idea that it should look a
nd feel exactly the same - because things have changed since then. It can, how
ever, be just as rewarding as it once was.




Copyright c Daily Horoscope

Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2019-11-08T22:15
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2019-11-11T13:34
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2019-11-14T08:20
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2019-11-16T13:09
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2019-11-19T17:20
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2019-11-22T04:06
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2019-11-26T09:54
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2019-11-27T13:08
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2019-11-27T17:09


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2019-11-04T17:38
你的星座:獅子、月亮魔羯 你/妳們的關係:不明確 想問什麼呢: 在網路認識一個魔羯女 我們有見過面了,她常常叫我陪她 聊天的時候,都會主動密我.. 有的時候吃飯閒置一下,她就會敲我問我吃飽沒? 就是一個會要我陪她的魔羯女.. 雖然我本身沒什麼自信,見面的時候以為回去又會跟別的女生一樣封鎖打 ...

11/04 Daily Horoscope

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2019-11-04T02:00
If you think a hurtful thought about someone when you are upset with them, doe s it have an impact? If you keep that thought to yourself, Capricorn, you ma ...

唐綺陽 2019/11/04(一)

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2019-11-04T00:32
今日運勢 2019 / 11 / 04 (一) 晴 今天有好幫手出現,他們可能是很認真的年輕人,也是貴人,你的信任會讓他們做的更好。 感情方面跟年輕人有緣,若你不介意年齡的話,有人很欣賞、喜歡你。 幸運色是黃色 資料來源:https://www.daily-zodiac.com/mobile/zodi ...

女巫樹洞 摩羯座2019年11月運勢

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2019-11-03T15:04
綜述: 本月對於摩羯座來說,你會盡可能地讓自己開心起來、輕鬆起來。在面對現實層面,本月 你也表現出來相當負責的一面,因為這樣的擔當和責任感的降臨,會讓你自己也十分的快 樂。 本月的整體運勢呈現了開高走低的運勢。或許一開始你計劃很好的事情,逐漸也會一些現 實層面不能推進的情況。總之本月你要杜絕掉一些自以為是 ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2019-11-03T11:06
我老婆魔羯,我雙子,上個月結婚。 事實上魔羯在一開始真的不愛黏著對方,我們家這個也不例外,交往初期時也曾說不要每 天聯繫之類的。 我的做法是設定一個習慣,我跟她說無論如何,每天都要講電話,就算很累,親口說一句 晚安也比冷冰冰的文字訊息好,沒有新話題的時候,就互相分享看到的有趣的文章、影片 ,所以我們從交往 ...