11/04/2021 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2021-04-10T23:50

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If you are, by nature, a shy person (as many Cancerians are), then you
probably won't stride into a party and pretend to be an extrovert. You
wouldn't know how, even if you wanted to. But you could engage in
meaningful conversations and shine in your own extraordinary way. This
does far more than compensate for not being the "life of the party," but
rather the one who makes people think, who causes people to smile, and who
engages in a gently beguiling manner. You may be worried that an upcoming
experience is not suited for you. But you can be good at anything, as long
as you come as your best yourself!



Tags: 巨蟹

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Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2021-04-14T22:46
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2021-04-19T14:27
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2021-04-21T10:58


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2021-04-10T08:02
原本以為彌足珍貴的那些, 才發現一點價值也沒有。 以為自己在你心裡是重要的, 卻意外發現,其實只是 自己內心太多粉紅泡泡的補腦結果。 我只是你撒下的眾多餌下 一隻自願上鉤的蟹子。 不喜歡忽冷忽熱的對你, 但每每下定決心要遠離你,卻 總被你的溫柔勾回。 我在你心裡還是有一個位置的吧? 謝謝你對我的 ...

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Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2021-04-09T18:57
巨蟹座 晴 週末可能有愉快的聚會邀約,過往受你相助的人想請客一番,不妨放肆享受,犒賞自己的 辛苦吧。感情方面你心態保持輕鬆自在,自然也散發正能量的氣場、談話中釋放吸引力。 幸運色是紫色。 感情不想管了!過好自己的生活吧! - ...

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