11/05~11/11/2018 Weekly Horoscope - 天蠍

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2018-11-05T02:35

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Things may suddenly start moving far more rapidly on a project that you
had started to see as stalled. There may not be any obvious reason for
this at first, Scorpio, but soon you may find that someone is helping you
behind the scenes. Maybe this person doesn't want to call attention to
themselves, or maybe they just want to humbly and quietly help you out
because they care. Be grateful, but don't feel bad for the extra help.
Around the middle of the week, an error that could have easily gone
unnoticed on a work project or a money management matter could be called
to your attention. Don't blame yourself for not seeing it first, because
although you are good in this area, you may be overwhelmed with many other
things right now. A deep emotional divide between you and someone you love
could become more apparent this week. But that's not a bad thing. This
means you can begin to acknowledge and understand what's happening, which
can lead to a solution. Although this is not something you have faced
head-on or dealt with in any way, it has been difficult to relate to this
person. That experience can get decidedly better.



Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2018-11-09T05:43
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2018-11-12T14:47
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2018-11-15T19:18
感謝分享翻譯^ ^
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2018-11-16T13:01

11/05/2018 Daily Horoscope

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2018-11-05T00:45
The rediscovery of an old dream may come to you today or very soon. You may have an inkling about what this might be because it has come to your thoughts n ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2018-11-04T23:43
嗯:) 這一大段時間,發生一些事 換了環境,別了不適合的人 我的世界有人離開有人進來 不停學習以自己為重心過生活,戰戰兢兢的轉換心態看待事情。從不同方向實行愛自己 許瑋甯 「儘管覺得試了也沒用,但我仍舊沒有放棄去試。就好像是一種能量的積蓄,你每做了一點努力,能量格就加了一點,然後當整個電池終於充滿時,啪 ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2018-11-04T20:28
生 日:1992/11/02 依親對象: (不是天蠍座的板友請填此欄 標題也請改用『簽證』 要填啊) 性 別:Female 血 型:O型 現 居:台北 興 趣:吃飯/睡覺/上PTT/游泳/追劇/音樂 我想要說:蠍板真是個好地方啊~~剛過完26歲生日,才深覺歲月不饒 ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2018-11-04T13:45
今天30歲了 以前總覺得30離我好遙遠 想不到一晃眼自己也踏入這年紀了 祝福同月同日的天蠍兒生日快樂 祝福今年一同邁入30的天蠍兒生日快樂 願大家都順順利利身體健康!!! - ...

11月22日 天蠍群組 收人~~

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2018-11-04T10:56
群組創立日 始於2015/02/23 不知不覺已創立三年有餘,目前有變成蚊子館。 平常都沒人會講話。(天蠍本色?) 唯有到每年十一月,才會開始重新營運,平常大家都各自忙各自的生活。 平常也沒在聊天,神奇的是會留下的就是會留下來。 因為覺得1122今天出生的個性蠻特殊的 11/22 是天蠍的最後 ...