11/06 水瓶運勢綜論 - 水瓶

By Sarah
at 2015-11-05T18:15
at 2015-11-05T18:15
Table of Contents
If you have been having money woes lately, they probably have much less to do
with saving than they have to do with spending -- you might be focusing on
fixing the wrong problem. Take a look at where you money is going -- are you
throwing it out the window, or investing in things? Get objective, third party
insight, preferably from a professional. Your friends would love to help, but
they just don't truly understand what the situation is. Plus, it's not wise
to mix business and pleasure.
好好檢視一下自己都把錢花去哪裡了 - 丟到窗外或是真的認真的投資了呢?
Sometimes people may reproach you for being less than tactful in relationships.
The planetary positions are going to help you be more sensitive. You'll feel
like you suddenly have a much greater capacity for listening. Whether or not
it's true, others have the impression that you're no longer so self-centered.
I know you're scared and I know you've been hurt, but you miss a hundred
percent of the shots you never take. Make this week count. Your actions can
change your destiny.
又是領薪日,大餐日 :-)
簡報技巧 / 面試技巧 / 履歷整理 / 商用英文
你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。
All Comments

By Edward Lewis
at 2015-11-10T01:43
at 2015-11-10T01:43

By Enid
at 2015-11-11T16:54
at 2015-11-11T16:54

By Hedy
at 2015-11-16T16:17
at 2015-11-16T16:17

By Donna
at 2015-11-16T23:55
at 2015-11-16T23:55

By Madame
at 2015-11-19T10:36
at 2015-11-19T10:36

By Bethany
at 2015-11-21T00:00
at 2015-11-21T00:00

By Agatha
at 2015-11-22T11:42
at 2015-11-22T11:42

By Emily
at 2015-11-24T09:47
at 2015-11-24T09:47

By Sierra Rose
at 2015-11-24T11:31
at 2015-11-24T11:31

By Zanna
at 2015-11-24T15:16
at 2015-11-24T15:16

By Rachel
at 2015-11-28T16:37
at 2015-11-28T16:37

By Mason
at 2015-11-28T20:41
at 2015-11-28T20:41

By Lydia
at 2015-12-03T08:51
at 2015-12-03T08:51

By Olga
at 2015-12-06T15:42
at 2015-12-06T15:42

By George
at 2015-12-08T08:49
at 2015-12-08T08:49

By Lydia
at 2015-12-12T14:06
at 2015-12-12T14:06
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