11/08 the daily horoscope - 雙子

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2021-11-07T10:58

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Just last year, a horse running with odds against it at 300 to one became the
longest-priced winner in the history of British and Irish racing for winning t
he Irish Stallion Farms EBF Maiden. That horse, "He Knows No Fear," was obviou
sly aptly named. You may feel that the odds are very much against you in your
current endeavor, Gemini, but you have the power to be a winner. It is up to y
our passion, your dedication, and your determination - but you can do it. Don'
t let the odds dictate your chance to succeed.

去年,一匹馬以300比1的賠率贏得了愛爾蘭種馬農場的EBF Maiden,





這取決於你的熱情、奉獻精神和決心 — 但是你可以做到的。


Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。

Tags: 雙子

All Comments

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2021-11-09T10:26
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2021-11-11T09:54


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2021-11-06T19:00
勞倫一週星座運勢11/5-11/11 http://www.stars12.com/2021/11/115-1111.html 塔羅-這一生你真正在乎的是什麼? https://www.stars12.com/2019/04/blog-post_9.html 心理測驗-你是一個敏感的人嗎? https:/ ...

11/07 the daily horoscope

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2021-11-06T10:03
A conflict or a disagreement may not be as it appears, Gemini. There may be so me puzzling aspect to a difference of opinion, and it just isnand#39;t makin ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2021-11-05T20:38
原po是處女座(21歲學生) 在tinder上認識一位35歲留美回國有大人男主義雙性戀雙子 座(沒有與男生交往經驗但現在比較喜歡男生)(為同志相關不適者勿看 ) 故事如下 : 他們約莫在7月底在tinder上遇到,開始在line上聊的很愉快,雙子男當時訊息的回覆速 度 之後他們在賴上也是維持一定程度的聊天,但 ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2021-11-05T19:39
§【2021★11月塔羅星座運勢★】§ ●運勢請參考太陽星座及上升星座 ▲太陽+上升運勢如何綜合看 當兩個星座運勢有特別重疊的事件,譬如說都有提及工作上遇到的人際或合作事件,將是 特別要注意/順利的部分 若是一好一壞,運勢偏向持平;兩個都壞,必須相當謹慎小心;兩個都好,則代表本月運 勢大致上是頗順利的 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2021-11-05T18:33
塔羅-你是擅長把握感情的人嗎 https://www.stars12.com/2020/11/blog-post_63.html 心理測驗-你骨子裡更像哪個星座? https://www.stars12.com/2021/03/blog-post_3.html 伊明-愛情中,12星座女生為何總是招來爛桃花 ...