11/12 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2016-11-11T10:45

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Capricorn horoscope for Nov 12 2016

You may be thinking about - or feeling slighted by - someone who you feel take
s you for granted. This is someone you know very well; someone who is in your
life on an almost daily basis. When we are around someone constantly, it is ea
sy to treat them with indifference at times, and that may be why this is happe
ning, Capricorn. In fact, this person might even say they feel the same way ab
out you. So instead of feeling angry or hurt, bring this issue up and discuss
it. You could each use a bit more attention from the other.
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你可能會想到 - 或感覺被輕視了 - 被一個你感覺把你當作理所當然的人。這是個你知之

posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653

Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2016-11-14T18:38
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2016-11-17T19:33
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2016-11-22T14:22
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2016-11-24T17:00
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2016-11-24T18:50
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2016-11-29T13:43
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2016-12-03T20:16
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2016-12-06T13:44
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2016-12-10T18:51
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2016-12-11T08:20

11/10 Daily Horoscope

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2016-11-09T11:17
Capricorn horoscope for Nov 10 2016 Sometimes being independent can be very lonely and frightening. When you forge ahead with a dream and no one else is ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2016-11-09T08:03
想問什麼呢:我是1/5的魔魔,雖然特立獨行,但也頗在意其他人的看法! 我想問大家,請問在公共場合遇到他人做了不妥當的事,會站出來制止嗎? 舉例:1、插隊 2、電影院中玩手機 3、火車上大玩遊戲或看影片 等等之類的 因為我都會在意的不得了 今天搭車,坐在旁 ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2016-11-08T22:42
*用不到的地方請愛用Ctrl+y刪除,謝謝!* 你的星座:雙子 你/妳們的關係:朋友 想問什麼呢:如果並非是男女相處/追求的問題,可將上面的欄位刪除。 跟魔女認識大概是2個多月前了,因為我是雙子的關係喇賽跟搞笑功力算不錯 我們是在語言學校認識的,平時吃飯的時候我常講一些讓他笑到不行的話, 舉例來 ...

11/9 Daily Horoscope

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2016-11-08T19:19
Capricorn horoscope for Nov 9 2016 You may be unhappy with someone right now, Capricorn, because they didnand#39;t fulf ill their end of a promise, or bec ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2016-11-08T12:10
※ 引述《TCSS (TCSS)》之銘言: : 你的星座: 雙魚女 : 你/妳們的關係: 情侶 簡單來說 魚要的是關心式的陪伴 魔要的心靈上的陪伴 : 想問什麼呢: : 大家好~ : 以前有過跟魔羯相處的經驗 : 加上有研究一點,大概知道魔羯男就是傾向木訥、務實,感情方面相當被動的那方XD 既然你知道了 ...