11/13 Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2019-11-12T23:17

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The circumstances surrounding an upcoming opportunity might not be ideal,
but this could be your chance to manifest something that might not come to
you again in any other way. Even so, Pisces, you may have been holding out
for the perfect moment when everything falls into place. If that never
materializes, though, turning down this chance could become a big regret.
Try to see the circumstances as a challenge, and your creativity will rise
to meet it. You don't have to miss out.
刻,等待所有事情都能夠全都到位。那如果永遠都不會到位的話呢? 那拒絕這份機
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Tags: 雙魚

All Comments

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2019-11-16T07:52
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2019-11-20T04:24
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2019-11-23T02:16
好的 謝謝
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2019-11-24T13:50
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2019-11-24T23:27
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2019-11-29T03:21
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2019-11-30T06:13
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2019-11-30T13:41
希望是的 謝謝
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2019-12-03T15:22

Alex是大叔 11/11~11/17 雙魚座本週運勢

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2019-11-11T20:35
太陽或上升雙魚座:你需要肯定自己,知曉自己的才華和魅力,前兩週因為種種原因,你 可能被人質疑過或者自我質疑過,讓你無法看清楚自己有多棒,這一週不如多給自己一點 鼓勵——同樣也會聽到許多讚美的聲音。金星跟海王星的角度,也許你需要放棄一個人, 放棄一份單相思了或者是你原本把一個人看得太美好,在本週卻知道了一些真相 ...

11/11 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2019-11-11T00:31
今日運勢 2019 / 11 / 11 (一) 打雷閃電 今天很忙碌,事情好像永遠做不完,意味著你太過操心、放不下,什麼都攬身上反而沒效 率、吃力不討好。 感情方面吃虧忍耐不會得到好結果,該溝通要好好溝通,即使有爭執吵架也沒關係。 幸運色是白色。 資料來源:https://www.daily-zodi ...

11/10 Daily Horoscope

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2019-11-09T23:40
You canand#39;t please all of the people all of the time, but you can definitely please some of the people some of the time. That adage may apply to your l ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2019-11-09T06:34
以下個人意見,不代表全部的魚。 我是覺得魚多少都有點焦慮型依戀的症頭, 也就是明明愛著, 但覺得自己可能會受傷或已受傷就先推遠對方, 可是背後真正想要的不是不聯絡不是斷絕往來, 而是對方能跨過自己的逼退還是衝上來抱緊自己。 當說我不愛你,我們別再聯絡。 其實想要看到的是你有多愛我, 我這麼講了,你還是想愛 ...

11/09、10 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2019-11-09T00:30
今日運勢 2019 / 11 / 09 (六) 雨 週末容易遇到跟你風格或氣質不同的人,容易有不愉快的感受,遇到這種情況默默飄走、 不要忍耐是最好的選擇。 感情方面周遭的人可能會好奇你的感情生活,離八卦的朋友遠一點很重要。 幸運色是黑色。 資料來源:https://www.daily-zodiac.c ...