11/14 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

By Callum
at 2017-11-13T21:16
at 2017-11-13T21:16
Table of Contents
Capricorn horoscope for Tuesday Nov 14
You may be facing a dilemma that involves a very difficult person. This is som
eone you - and perhaps many others - clash with. Therefore, you may be looking
high and low for a solution that will satisfy this individual. But if you thi
nk about it, Capricorn, you will begin to see that your problem isn't really a
ll that complicated. In fact, it's a pretty easy thing to deal with - minus th
e emotional drama. So, instead of coming up with a complicated solution, just
try a little TLC.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653
You may be facing a dilemma that involves a very difficult person. This is som
eone you - and perhaps many others - clash with. Therefore, you may be looking
high and low for a solution that will satisfy this individual. But if you thi
nk about it, Capricorn, you will begin to see that your problem isn't really a
ll that complicated. In fact, it's a pretty easy thing to deal with - minus th
e emotional drama. So, instead of coming up with a complicated solution, just
try a little TLC.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653
All Comments

By Selena
at 2017-11-14T13:28
at 2017-11-14T13:28

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at 2017-11-15T20:02
at 2017-11-15T20:02

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