11/14 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Odelette
at 2017-11-14T00:55
at 2017-11-14T00:55
Table of Contents
If you could be granted a wish to either turn back time and start over
again at age five, or be given a million dollars, most people of your
sign would choose the former option. Even though you are very security
driven, and having that money would make you feel safe, your sensitive,
nostalgic nature would push you to relive your past, perhaps in a different
way. But you can't go backwards if you want to move forward, Cancer.
Treasure your memories, send love to those who have moved on, and forgive
yourself. This is a reminder to embrace your past, but live your life.
again at age five, or be given a million dollars, most people of your
sign would choose the former option. Even though you are very security
driven, and having that money would make you feel safe, your sensitive,
nostalgic nature would push you to relive your past, perhaps in a different
way. But you can't go backwards if you want to move forward, Cancer.
Treasure your memories, send love to those who have moved on, and forgive
yourself. This is a reminder to embrace your past, but live your life.
All Comments

By Frederic
at 2017-11-14T16:48
at 2017-11-14T16:48

By Doris
at 2017-11-17T13:33
at 2017-11-17T13:33

By Ursula
at 2017-11-18T10:26
at 2017-11-18T10:26

By Tristan Cohan
at 2017-11-19T04:02
at 2017-11-19T04:02

By John
at 2017-11-23T05:34
at 2017-11-23T05:34

By Audriana
at 2017-11-23T15:15
at 2017-11-23T15:15

By Bennie
at 2017-11-24T10:36
at 2017-11-24T10:36

By Tracy
at 2017-11-29T04:51
at 2017-11-29T04:51

By Candice
at 2017-12-03T12:21
at 2017-12-03T12:21

By Candice
at 2017-12-05T03:26
at 2017-12-05T03:26

By Puput
at 2017-12-07T14:23
at 2017-12-07T14:23

By Quanna
at 2017-12-10T02:21
at 2017-12-10T02:21

By Franklin
at 2017-12-13T12:48
at 2017-12-13T12:48

By Olga
at 2017-12-18T12:09
at 2017-12-18T12:09

By Agatha
at 2017-12-22T12:33
at 2017-12-22T12:33

By Enid
at 2017-12-23T13:13
at 2017-12-23T13:13
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