11/19-25 Weekly horoscope - 獅子

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2018-11-19T00:08

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You may have experienced a lot of delays, disappointments, and mishaps over th
e last week or even longer, Leo. You may have started out feeling that these w
ere just coincidences, but as you enter this week, you may feel there is a pat
tern; and you may be feeling like you are swept up in bad luck. But if you per
severe and try to believe the best will be, things will begin to get better ve
ry quickly. Keep making your plans, keep working at whatever is important to y
ou, and by the middle of the week, you will see a new and much better pattern.
A lucky break could happen for you around or shortly after the middle of the
week. You could stumble into an opportunity involving your career, an investme
nt possibility, or a connection that could prove lucrative for you in the futu
re. Before the end of the week, a younger relative or family friend could seek
you out for guidance in an area where this person sees you as having expertis
e, even if you don't see yourself as particularly knowledgeable or talented. H
elp out anyway if you can. You may come to realize that you have been underest
imating yourself all along. If you choose to catch up with some work over the
weekend, you could be extremely productive with time left over for some fun.





Tags: 獅子

All Comments

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2018-11-19T08:33
John avatar
By John
at 2018-11-22T08:26
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2018-11-22T17:19

11/19 DailyHoroscope

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2018-11-18T19:53
It can be difficult to make a good, smart decision when you are under pressure . And when you are feeling frantic, Leo, it can be even harder if not imposs ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2018-11-18T12:16
比起如何讓他生氣還帶著理智 不如研究一下如何讓兩個人不吵架 或許比較實際 以我的經驗 大貓養成的習慣改變不了 而且只會一次比一次更加嚴重 最恐怖的是,他有寧死不屈的精神 到最後乾脆跟你分手 反正做了都做了,說什麼後悔也沒用 那不如想辦法盡量去避免吵架的狀況發生 有的時候回頭想想 跟對方吵這場架的意義在那 ...

11/18 DailyHoroscope

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2018-11-17T22:15
You may feel that some situation in your life has gotten slightly better recen tly, Leo. Where you were once stressed and anxious and probably overwhelmed, ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2018-11-17T11:31
出處:https://goo.gl/ScrccK 內容: 《法塔羅克里福德》11/19~11/25塔羅星座運勢 本運勢請同時參考太陽與上昇星座 獅子座 塔逆位 惡魔逆位 錢幣9逆位 【力圖振作,後繼無力】 這週的獅子朋友們應該很兩極化:一則是你很用心求表現,卻苦於沒有機會而一籌莫展; 另一則是忙 ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2018-11-17T08:41
原PO妳好 為了避免妳踏入我這個境地 我就直接跟妳說了 「你們欠缺的是正面的溝通」 什麼是正面的溝通? 今天遇到事情,或是情緒不好的時候 妳男朋友直接選擇「逃避」 不接電話,轉頭就走 找不到人,直接封鎖 他可以做這些事情沒問題 但是他至少要告訴妳 (如果夠成熟、還愛妳 「我想先冷靜,我現在沒辦法面對 ...