11/19 Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2019-11-18T23:54

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There are many climbers who are willing to risk their lives to be able to say
they climbed the peak of a famous mountain such as Mount Everest. The
experience, to them, is exhilarating. But for every mountain climber who
successfully ascends to the top of a noteworthy peak, there are many others
who have failed and sometimes even paid with their lives. All of life
involves risk of course. You have climbed your share of metaphorical mountains,
Pisces. The one you are aiming for now also presents a challenge, and you might
be thinking whether it is worth it. The stars suggest that it is.
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Tags: 雙魚

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Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2019-11-23T00:38
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2019-11-27T20:18
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2019-12-01T13:07
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2019-12-01T22:29


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2019-11-18T22:00
歡迎來到雙魚板 問題張貼前請先確認您的問題已詳細敘述 發文後若獲得板友解答,請避免自刪 若不便以自己的ID張貼問題,歡迎寄信給板主代PO ============閱讀完請以ctrl+y消去,謝謝============ 大家晚上好, 我是28歲的魚女,最近在公司遇到一條大我五六歲的魚大叔, 想麻煩魚 ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2019-11-18T12:42
太陽或上升雙魚座:上周制定的目標有好好完成嗎?是不是有一些拖延了,或者沒有做到「極致」?當然,也許你並不追求極致,我想描述的是,你當下對自己有些放鬆要求,或者是對一些領域的事情有些得過且過(原本你是很苛責這些要求的)。不過在本周,你反而會仔細起來,一方面確實要忙碌起來,另一方面確實有許多截止日期迫在眉睫,甚至 ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2019-11-18T11:17
ID:fairbankslin    暱稱:魯媽    生日:2月的尾端    性別:呃..就是魯媽一個    居住地:台北    網頁:無    興趣:睡覺兼發懶    自我介紹: 大家好,我是魯媽,有兩隻巨蟹兒子(一個毛孩一個人孩)剛看到耶誕卡po文興沖沖也回 覆參加活動,才想到自己還沒自介 ...

11/18 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2019-11-18T06:36
今日運勢 2019/11/18 (一) 打雷閃電 今天要注意交通安全,容易有刀火燙傷或意外狀況,開車要放慢速度、小心為上。 感情方面容易擦槍走火,害怕變局或變化,讓你措手不及。 幸運色是卡其色。 來源: https://www.daily-zodiac.com/mobile/zodiac/Pisces ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2019-11-18T00:58
原文網址:https://reurl.cc/b6NNl3 12星座出軌大揭密 | 精神出軌組 |雙魚座 參考太陽、火星 #雙魚座-得不到的總是在騷動 雙魚座,本身不會高難度,但熱愛挑戰高難度。 雙魚座的精神出軌,很重要的一部分來自於「成癮」。例如他跟某個人合作久了,發現生活中沒有對 ...