11/2 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2020-11-01T20:25

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Capricorn horoscope for Nov 2 2020

When you begin a mission, Capricorn, you have an uncanny knack for honing in on the most important points and focusing on those. While this may help you streamline your goal and make it more efficient, you do occasionally miss out on something important because it seemed trivial compared to all the big stuff. If you are addressing a new goal now, take some time to carefully look at the details. If something stands out, pay attention to it. It could mean the difference between success - and really big



Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic
Sent from JPTT on my iPhone

Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2020-11-02T23:24
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2020-11-04T12:22
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2020-11-05T20:59
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2020-11-10T12:34
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2020-11-13T11:26
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2020-11-17T20:20

Alex是大叔 摩羯座2020年11月運勢

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2020-10-31T11:22
11月:力量回歸的時刻來臨 整體: 月初1日到5日這幾天,水逆正式結束,不過水星跟你的守護星土星出現一個結構,這個星 象會在整個上旬持續,所以這個上旬你可能有很多文書內容要處理,改合同,做策劃,做 總結,數據分析等等,或者也有很多社交場合要出席,你可能也要跟一些“難搞”的人打 交道。如果你是學生,在這 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2020-10-31T08:45
今日運勢 2020/10/31、11/1(六日) 雨 週末你想花多時間獨處,不需要勉強自己因應外界,因為外界可能有很多讓你頭痛的問題,好好休息吧。 感情方面對很多人的暗示視而不見,不夠浪漫,讓別人很挫折,建議給予一點回應。 幸運色是藍色。 來源: https://www.daily-zodiac.co ...

10/31 Daily Horoscope

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2020-10-30T20:29
Capricorn horoscope for Oct 31 2020 You may be so focused on something you want but canand#39;t have that you are failing to see something you want that y ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2020-10-30T08:32
今日運勢 2020/10/30 (五) 雨 今天做事都有受到干擾阻礙的感覺,慢慢來就好,不用過度急躁,否則事情會卡住或必須重來,放輕鬆以對。 感情方面陷入尷尬狀況,約好的事情因意外必須取消,但也許並非壞事,可以觀察一下。 幸運色是黑色。 來源: https://www.daily-zodiac.com ...

10/30 Daily Horoscope

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2020-10-29T20:58
Capricorn horoscope for Oct 30 2020 When a person canand#39;t get what they want - or canand#39;t get everything they want - they may settle for less. But ...