11/26 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

By Mary
at 2022-11-26T03:13
at 2022-11-26T03:13
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ˇScorpio horoscope for 星期六 11月 26
Scorpio horoscope for 星期六 11月 26
You are urged to push away any negative thoughts that come to mind today, Scor
pio. Of course, this is good advice for any day, but today you may be battling
fears about a situation that is already in progress. But whenever you start t
o imagine a negative outcome, you need to turn your thoughts to a happy outcom
e instead. You can have great influence over the changes that are coming your
way, but you must first accept that there is nothing to fear. Don't engage in
battle with an imaginary enemy. Fire up your desire for a happy ending instead
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
Scorpio horoscope for 星期六 11月 26
You are urged to push away any negative thoughts that come to mind today, Scor
pio. Of course, this is good advice for any day, but today you may be battling
fears about a situation that is already in progress. But whenever you start t
o imagine a negative outcome, you need to turn your thoughts to a happy outcom
e instead. You can have great influence over the changes that are coming your
way, but you must first accept that there is nothing to fear. Don't engage in
battle with an imaginary enemy. Fire up your desire for a happy ending instead
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
All Comments

By Cara
at 2022-11-25T13:35
at 2022-11-25T13:35

By John
at 2022-11-28T19:53
at 2022-11-28T19:53

By Ula
at 2022-11-25T13:35
at 2022-11-25T13:35

By Liam
at 2022-11-28T19:53
at 2022-11-28T19:53

By Blanche
at 2022-11-25T13:35
at 2022-11-25T13:35

By Brianna
at 2022-11-28T19:53
at 2022-11-28T19:53
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