11/26 DailyHoroscope - 獅子

By Kama
at 2018-11-25T13:45
at 2018-11-25T13:45
Table of Contents
Some people are better at communicating than others. It isn't just the words t
hey choose to say, it is also in their flair, presentation, and charisma. You
have all of that, Leo, yet you may be afraid to raise a certain issue with som
eone you care about. You know that the advice you have to give is valuable. Yo
u know that if this person takes that advice, it could better their life in so
me way. Don't worry too much about your presentation. Just speak from the hear
t. You'll get your message through clearly.
hey choose to say, it is also in their flair, presentation, and charisma. You
have all of that, Leo, yet you may be afraid to raise a certain issue with som
eone you care about. You know that the advice you have to give is valuable. Yo
u know that if this person takes that advice, it could better their life in so
me way. Don't worry too much about your presentation. Just speak from the hear
t. You'll get your message through clearly.
All Comments

By Heather
at 2018-11-27T14:57
at 2018-11-27T14:57

By Daph Bay
at 2018-11-28T02:39
at 2018-11-28T02:39

By William
at 2018-11-29T01:54
at 2018-11-29T01:54

By Michael
at 2018-11-30T10:02
at 2018-11-30T10:02

By Charlie
at 2018-12-04T15:05
at 2018-12-04T15:05

By Delia
at 2018-12-04T20:22
at 2018-12-04T20:22
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