11/29 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Bethany
at 2017-11-29T06:26
at 2017-11-29T06:26
Table of Contents
※ 引述《peace305 (Solar)》之銘言:
: You may not totally understand what someone in your life is going through
: right now, but you can try. Even if you haven't walked in this person's shoes,
: you are smart enough to figure out how they are struggling with a certain
: situation. You are stronger than many people, Moonchild. Your tough outer
: shell protects you from the harshness of the world. But your sweet inner
: self is very capable of understanding; in fact, you are quite an empathic
: sign. So, try to understand and find compassion for someone who may be
: driving you crazy.
: ----
: 你可能現在無法全然理解什麼樣子的人會走過你的生命,但你可以去嘗試理解他們。
你生命中的某人可能正在經歷一些你無法全然理解的情況/事物... 但你可以嘗試.
: 即便你尚未充份瞭解這號人物,但你足夠聰明去解決他們現在正遇到的困境。你比許
雖然你未曾體驗那種情況/事務, 但你的聰明才智足以讓你明白他在那個困境中的掙扎
: 多人都要來的厲害,月之子。你堅強的外殼保護你阻擋來自外界的傷害。但你貼心的
: 內在是非常能夠理解對方; 事實上,你有個相當憐憫心的特質。所以,試著以理解及
: 同理心來看待某位正讓你7PUPU的人吧。
: ----
: 渣翻求指點。
Thinking is the talking of the soul with itself.
~ Plato
: You may not totally understand what someone in your life is going through
: right now, but you can try. Even if you haven't walked in this person's shoes,
: you are smart enough to figure out how they are struggling with a certain
: situation. You are stronger than many people, Moonchild. Your tough outer
: shell protects you from the harshness of the world. But your sweet inner
: self is very capable of understanding; in fact, you are quite an empathic
: sign. So, try to understand and find compassion for someone who may be
: driving you crazy.
: ----
: 你可能現在無法全然理解什麼樣子的人會走過你的生命,但你可以去嘗試理解他們。
你生命中的某人可能正在經歷一些你無法全然理解的情況/事物... 但你可以嘗試.
: 即便你尚未充份瞭解這號人物,但你足夠聰明去解決他們現在正遇到的困境。你比許
雖然你未曾體驗那種情況/事務, 但你的聰明才智足以讓你明白他在那個困境中的掙扎
: 多人都要來的厲害,月之子。你堅強的外殼保護你阻擋來自外界的傷害。但你貼心的
: 內在是非常能夠理解對方; 事實上,你有個相當憐憫心的特質。所以,試著以理解及
: 同理心來看待某位正讓你7PUPU的人吧。
: ----
: 渣翻求指點。
Thinking is the talking of the soul with itself.
~ Plato
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