1120 DailyHoroscope運勢 - 水瓶

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2017-11-19T14:46

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Don't turn a mountain into a molehill today - but do your best to turn a
molehill into a mountain. If you magnify, intensify, and study a seemingly
insignificant situation today, Aquarius, you will see the many possibilities
at the core of it. In other words, a minor event in your life today could
have significant possibilities if you give in to your curiosity. Sometimes
the biggest gifts from the universe seem small and unworthy of your time
until you begin to explore them. That could be the case today.



Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Una avatar
By Una
at 2017-11-22T22:20

石井ゆかり 11月20日~11月26日の星模様

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2017-11-19T12:41
幼い頃、友だちは主に「遊び相手」ですが、 人生を進めば進むほど 「友だち」の概念は、「遊び相手」の枠を超えて、 どんどん重みを増していくように思われます。 たとえ、友だちのいない人でも 「友だち」という概念に期待するものは、 「遊び相手」以上のものであろうと思います。 小時候朋友主要是一起玩的對象, 越長大 ...

瓶男 與瓶女

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2017-11-19T11:24
後來 跟瓶男的更新 本來其實想要放棄了 結果他前陣子出國 有天晚上說要來找我跟帶小禮物來 之後也有時候會講一下電話 但沒有每天 有再出去吃飯跟看電影 但回家的時候只陪我到公車站 或家裡附近而已 還不曾送我到家門口 (之前聊天有說過 自己不習慣剛認識就讓對方知道家在哪 但其實也很口是心非 會希望他送我回家 於 ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2017-11-18T22:51
水瓶的飼養方法26 我是0210瓶男。 好久不見啊! 雖然一直以來都很忙, 但沒想到, 最近都從一早忙到大半夜的啊! 跟今天要說的有什麼關係嗎? 沒錯: 「水瓶座都是工作狂。」 為何如此說呢? 因為是事實啊! 瓶子非常奇怪, 一般來說, 人際關係都非常的好! 無論在職場上, ...

1119 DailyHoroscope運勢

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2017-11-18T20:01
You are very forgiving of others. You understand that human beings have faults and frailties. You know that we all make mistakes. You get it - people can l ...

1118 DailyHoroscope運勢

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2017-11-18T19:49
Many people of your sign may be feeling stunted now in some way. You may feel like you are in a rut. You have grown tired of the same old routine, and it m ...